Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Week Seven Response - Comment Under This Post


Unknown said...
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Susan H. said...

Susan Howard

Title: Heaven or hell; who should decide?

Basic Passage: A woman of Boston congregation, having been in much trouble of mind about her spiritual estate, at length grew into utter desperation, and could not endure to hear of any comfort, etc., so as one day she took her little infant and threw it into a well, and then came into the house and said, now she was sure she should be damned, for she had drowned her child.

Correlation: This woman was incapable of living from day to day wondering if she would go to heaven or to hell because her life was neither pure nor tainted. She was somewhere in the middle and that fact alone left her in great demise. Heaven or hell? Heaven or hell? She knew the decision was not her own but couldn’t live with not knowing which it would be. As a result, she made sure she would no longer have to question her fate.

How disgusting! What a disgrace it is to be so insecure with her own life that she put an end to her child’s life just to satisfy her greed of needing to know if she’d go to heaven or hell. If she wanted to be so certain, why didn’t she just kill herself and spare her child. Killing herself would have been just as much a one way ticket to hell as killing her own child. If her child had been spared then it may have had the opportunity to live a life worthy of heaven. Instead, she stole the future of the infant, condemning it to heaven and her to hell. Either way she would have went to hell. Her child, on the other hand, had no choice in the matter. Wasn’t even allowed the chance to see where life would have taken it on it’s own terms.

David B. said...

David Broadnax

Title: Homeless by Choice

Basic Passage: We talked in class about how President Reagan made a comment on Good Morning America that those that are homeless is that way by choice. He said that referring to all the opportunity for jobs they were available to get. Those many of them choose not to get up and go seek employment.

Correlate: In class we discussed the comment made by President Reagan of people back then being homeless by choice. He was saying that the opportunity for jobs were so great all they had to was just go out and get one. He said that a couple of decades ago. When you look at the present day you see many Americans that are forced into poverty and being homeless. It’s the total opposite now as what Reagan was commenting on. Everyday when you cut on the T.V. or read the newspaper you hear of jobs laying off works or closing and moving over seas where its cheaper for them to operate. Those that get laid off find out that it’s hard for them to find employment when many companies are downsizing or has hiring on freeze. We went from the times that there were an abundance of jobs to know where there’s the constant worry if today would be the today our company or employer closes the door. With no way to find employment that leads Americans all across the world struggling to make the ends. If they can’t pay their bills that just keep pushing them closer and closer to being homeless. The reason in my opinion for the economic crisis is many companies wanting more for less so they move their companies and jobs overseas. The companies that do stay can’t keep up with the cost and eventually has to close which leaves many Americans without jobs. Next time you go into a store, which has survived the economy crisis, look and see where most of the products are made at. You’ll be surprise to find out mostly everything is made from other countries.

Harrison said...

Harrison Bullock
A. Title: Down and Out by Choice?
B. Basic Passage: “….We proclaimed a dream of an America that would be a shining city on a hill.” “(As for real-life American cities, he told Good Morning America that year that homeless people who slept on grates were “homeless, you might say, by choice.”
C. Correlate: In America, I would totally agree with President Regan, on his comment that being homeless or sleeping in the streets is a personal choice. People may argue that some people don’t have the opportunity to attend college or get good jobs; and with this I disagree. In America, the land of opportunities, there are many ways to help ourselves. There are lots of non-profit and faith-based organizations that help the needy. There are public schools to attend and plenty of government grant money to pay for college. In the public sector, there are the Salvation Army and Goodwill and other faith-based organizations that help feed and clothe the homeless. Habit for Humanity will even build a home for the needy at a very low cost. Also, in America with the help of grants and scholarships, you can obtain degrees to acquire careers. In this country, there are all sorts of jobs available, all of which provide an income that will satisfy basic needs of life. With a desire to succeed, you can be successful and live a comfortable life in America. So, with the right choices and a good work ethic, you can achieve almost anything in this country. On the other hand, with bad personal choices, whether that is drugs and alcohol, or choosing not to pursue an education, you are choosing to live your life on the streets.

Hannah said...

Hannah Mims
Title: Choosing to be Poor
Basic Passage: “In life you must choose if you are going to be a Tigger or an Eeyore.” –Randy Pausch
Correlation: Today during our reading from the “Wordy Shipmates”, the topic was brought up on whether or not it is or isn’t people’s fault for being poor and on the streets. One of our many successful presidents, Ronald Reagan, thought it was up to each person to decide if they were going to be poor or be wealthy. This man spoke words of optimism and better outlook for the American Society. Recently I read a book by Randy Pausch called “The Last Lecture”. This man brought up a wonderful viewpoint on how each and every person should live there life. His brilliant idea is based from the story we all know, Winnie the Pooh. He suggest that each person should decided if they are going to live there life as an upbeat optimistic Tigger or a Debbie downer Eeyore. Although there are many people in mental situations where they aren’t able to do better for themselves and not be homeless, there are plenty homeless people that could live a better life if they have the “Tigger” attitude on life. In times of trouble, many people get down and out but that shouldn’t be a good enough excuse to be on the streets. There are plenty of jobs available for people who don’t acquire a high school diploma or any previous work record. The resources are out there but it really comes down to how bad you want to better yourself and not be homeless and on the streets. So instead on looking down on your own life situation and continuous dwelling on how it currently is, if all of the homeless people got out and actually attempted to join the workforce there would be less people on the streets and possibly lead to our economy in a better place.

Shaun said...

Shaun Kyles

Are People Homeless By Choice?

Basic Passage: There are tons of people living here in our own country that don’t have homes to go to at night. There are people who don’t even have a good meal to eat when they want to, but is being homeless a choice? Are people who are homeless content with how they are living?

Correlation: There are several reasons a person can be homeless. Everyone isn’t fortunate enough to have family that would take them in if times get hard. But when talking about being homeless and not having any money, I start to question the individual’s self esteem. Can your self esteem get so low that it can allow you not to make any money or have any drive in life? I believe every able adult has the ability to work and make money. This leads me to believe that being homeless is a choice for the able working adults. I know a homeless man who stays next to my job in a ditch. He always walks around happy not worrying about what he looks like or how he is living. It’s like he doesn’t even know that he’s poor. One day I asked him has he ever thought about getting a job and making money so that he can afford shelter. His reply was “Son I’m happy with or without money. I’m happy with or without shelter.” This meant that he has a choice between being poor and having money. Everybody doesn’t need money to make them happy. I still question his drive in life and his willingness. I also just wonder sometimes why is he content with living in a ditch? I came to the conclusion that life is about what makes you happy. Just because you are poor doesn’t mean that you have to be down and out. Enjoy your life because it is precious and short.

Dobbs23 said...

Eric Dobbs

Title: Hypocrisy

Passage: "Hypocrisy can afford to be magnificent in its promises, for never intending to go beyond promise, it costs nothing"-Edmund Burke

Correlation: Today in class we talked about hypocrisy in the American people. We talked about how the American dream is an optimistic epiphany, and it is a dream that keeps us going from day to day. So are we Americans just stubborn? Do we not see the big picture or is the picture we've been given just merely a mirage? For every person on Earth, not just in America, there is a natural given drive to succeed. However, this "success" from person to person varies, and does not always reflect the American dream. Instead of growing up to own a house and a family, maybe a person's idea of success is living alone and traveling throughout life; or maybe they do not want nice things. Maybe they want to live off everything natural and stash up in the woods for their life. This optimistic dream has not changed must in the past century and a half; in fact, for that past century in a half, I would not be surprised to find that less that %10 of the people that lived during that time had a somewhat "American dream" kind of life. Also in class today, we talked about the differences in Reagan, Obama, and the parties they lead. Reagan and his optimism was something new at the time of his election. In a time of economic concern in America, Reagan shined a hope with plans for new ideas and "guarantees" for a better nation. That nation never came to be. Today, we reach another time of economic turmoil in our nation, but we have a president that handles it in a different fashion. Obama tells his people how it is; he talks of the bad times, where we have screwed up, and how we must fix it. No hope. Just life. It makes people feel that his solutions are "real". He puts into perspective that times are hard and there are some changes to be made.

cmm709 said...

Christina McCarty
February 25, 2009
Neither Black nor White

Basic Passage: “As for real-life American cities, he told Good Morning America that year that homeless people who slept on grates were ‘homeless, you might say, by choice’.”

Correlate: Similar to being wealthy, being poor does not come with a label. There are as many white Americans as there are black Americans on the streets. Race doesn’t favor wealth and prosperity. The problem with what Mr. Reagan said on Good Morning America is that it is not completely true. Of course many could take the side that America is the land of opportunity and prosperity, with potential for all to succeed with solid effort, financial aid, and a moral work ethic. Even if a kid from the “wrong side of the tracks” decides he wants to be a doctor, our great land of opportunity should assist that in happening. One side (Reagan’s side) argues that there is no misfortune and homelessness by fate, but by being lazy and not willing to try. A solid argument; but what would that person say to a recently laid-off gentleman who went to college, worked hard, and still wound up in the streets? Bankrupt with a foreclosed house in our dwindling economy, where is this man supposed to go? And what is he classified as? Lazy? I do not believe a person that became homeless and poor unconsciously deserves to be classified as lazy.

The truth is there are two sides to the homeless issue. There are those that just never tried, and those that wound up in misfortune due to circumstances beyond their control. With all the job lay-offs, housing foreclosures, and increases in debt, it is not laziness bringing about homelessness – it is our economy. And the sad truth is no jobs are safe from the possibility unless it’s a job of extreme demand and high rank such as healthcare and computer programming. Hopefully the economy can become stimulated once again, decreasing the numbers of homeless and unfortunate people on our streets.

Laura said...

They get what they deserve.
-Laura Piper
Basic Passage: As for real-life American cities, he told Good Morning America that year that homeless people who slept on grates were “homeless, you might say, by choice.”
Reagan is absolutely correct. Even in today’s society with people being laid off there are still jobs out there. In downtown Mobile you see homeless people walking around begging for change all of the time, but they are two blocks away from labor finders where they can be put on a job doing something very simple that no education is even needed for. Well, they could be if they could pass a drug test. If they stayed off of drugs they could secure a decent job and provide for themselves. So in that sense, yes it is their fault that they are sleeping on the streets. I understand that some people may go through a hard time in this economic crisis, but to actually lose your home due to not having a job? Not an excuse. It seems as if Mcdonalds is hiring every day, and pay decently; surely enough to keep a roof over someone’s head. Everyone can choose to change their life at some point. It’s so easy to get loans for school, especially if you have low income. There is low income housing they can live in if they would just get a small job. If none of that works, there are plenty of churches, organizations, social programs, and government programs that are designed to help out the homeless. These people also have to have some sort of family members? There is a very small percentage I consider not by choice, and that’s the mentally ill people whose family cannot and will not take care of them and they do not know any better and cannot get a job because of their illness.

BrianStrong said...

Brian Strong
Title: Republican or Liberal who brings more to the table for the poor
Basic Passage: Today in class we referred to Sarah Vowell’s book “The Wordy Shipmates” about how Reagan regarded the homeless and choosing to be the way they are as well as “not caring” about the poor.
Correlation: As we discussed in class the idea of Reaganomics cause a great conflict within our country is says to give the tax breaks to the rich and not the poor. Initially this doesn’t make any sense to give the people that have more the bigger tax cut, yet this is what is going to cause a boom within the economy. The matter of the fact is that Republicans do NOT HATE poor people, but the only way that poor people can get out of their slump in life is through tough work and jobs. With this said those jobs are only created by the upper class that owns businesses and can offer the lower class refuge in careers. People have reaped all over Obama for his “share the wealth” mentality which in turn could lean towards a socialist led government, yet proves to help out lower middle and poor class. By taxing the upper bracket more than 5% more you can cause many of these business owners to have to make cut backs within their business because of their own personal income. Imagine going to dinner with a group of people where you paid your bill in accordance to how much your income is, well this is going to make the upper class not eat out as much leaving the lower class to be left alone with no help at all, who previously paid a small percent. Vowell refers to Reagan’s mentality on page 65 of “eating up the poor” which can be interpreted that way, but in reality the effect of taxing the rich more will do nothing but make the poor have less jobs to their availability which will make unemployment and welfare increase, causing us even more debt than we already have.

A.J. said...

Andrew Paschall

Title: Fight Terror with Terror

Basic Passage: In class we talked about Americas views on the war in the Middle East and how many people think things should be done. Some people say that we should not be over there, and some say that we should.

Correlation: In this kind of topic there are going to be many different opinions of how things should be done. While the class was talking about the topic I thought of a movie that I had seen in the past called “Swordfish”. In the movie there is a character that the viewer believes to be evil through the entire movie. More towards the end of the movie the watcher finds out that in fact the supposedly evil character is actually fighting for America. His philosophy is to fight terror with terror. Of course America would never be able to openly say that it was committing in such acts, but taking place in them helps keep the people of the country safe. John Travolta’s character states “our jobs is to make the idea of terrorism so unimaginable and horrible that no one would dare think to try it on us, if they bomb a building we bomb ten, they torture and murder our men we return the favor ten fold.” While I don’t totally agree with this idea I do support some parts of it. Terrorism is not warfare. In war two countries fight with soldiers, and innocent, and unarmed civilian casualties are tried to be avoided. Terrorists do not fall under this category, and they attack the unarmed and unaware to strike fear in the country. I believe that the type of program that was going on in Swordfish would be a very good weapon for America. Terrorists would think twice before committing horrible acts towards America when they new that those acts would come back to them ten times as worse.

Orin said...

Orin Eleuterius

Title: Characteristics of a Good Leader

Basic Passage: A good leader is someone who you can depend on to get you through worst of times. Someone who is always there watching your back and can get you out of the toughest places. Someone who is strong and is not afraid to say what he or she might think of in any situation.

Correlation: A leader that is good is someone who can lead a country through the toughest times. By definition, a good leader is the President of the United States. Just think the President has the toughest job in the world. He has to make the decisions for our country everyday of his natural life. So one of the characteristics of a good leader is someone who can strive each day to better the life of an American citizen. Another good characteristic of a leader is someone that is brave to stand up for their country in what they believe is true. Also, a good characteristic of a leader is someone who can say something and guarantee that it will come true no matter what the odds. Good characteristics of a leader is hard for someone to posses. Not just anyone can have these kind of characteristics. Very few people in the world have these kind of attributes to cary on throughout their entire life. That is why not just anyone can grow up to be a good leader because their are certain recommendations one should acquire in order to have a job like this one. However, if a person grows believing that they can pursue a career involving this kind of work they had be ready for whatever comes their way.

Jennifer said...

Jennifer Gray

Homeless by Choice?

“One problem that we’ve had, even in the best of times, is the people sleeping on the grates, the homeless who are homeless, you might say, by choice.” - Ronald Reagan

According to the National Law Center on Homelessness and Poverty, there are anywhere from 700,000 to two million homeless people on any given night in America. While there are those people and families that didn’t choose to be homeless and live in the streets, the majority of homeless people choose to be homeless. It’s an easy responsibility free way of life and they enjoy that type of lifestyle. They prefer handouts over working for what they need. There are shelters and establishments that help the homeless but those that choose the lifestyle of being homeless do not want the help. They can’t be forced to receive help from such places as the mental health center. They have to want the help. A lot of the homeless aren’t as bad off as you might think. There are those who draw disability checks as well as what tax-free money they earn begging on the streets and interstate connections.
Some people may not actually choose to be homeless but their actions put them there. It may start as an addiction to gambling, or drugs. The addiction leads to loss of a job, which leads to loss of home, which leads to stealing to survive and support their habit, which leads to homelessness and life in shelters. God gives most of us the ability to make choices in life. It’s up to each individual person as to which path they take. They can’t blame anyone but themselves for where they end up in life.

natalie said...

Title: To be or not To be

Basic Passage: What does it mean to be a Christian? Well, the word Christian is defined as having the qualities taught by Jesus Christ, as love, kindness, and humility.

Correlation: People now-a-day sometimes take the phrase “being a Christian” a little bit too seriously. People consider themselves Christians because they read their bible every day, they go to church every Sunday, and is highly involved in a lot organizations within their church. People who call themselves Christians have the tendency to judge others instead of judging themselves which is something a Christian doesn’t do and if people really do call themselves Christians, they should help each other instead of putting each other down.
Many Christians can be so judgmental that it makes you not want to be around them in fear of what they may think of you because of how you live or what it is that you are doing. For example, some people like to gamble and some like to go to clubs and drink and have a good time and there’s nothing wrong with having a good time. It’s just that when you tell someone what it was that you did, they tend to frown upon you and it makes you not want to be around that person anymore because of what they may think of you. If that was me, I wouldn’t frown upon that person because of what they did. I mean if they want to have a good time, they should have a good time. With people being Christians, they sometimes have the tendency let it control their life and they don’t have any fun. They are fearful because of who they are and what they do in church; they feel that people are going to judge them which they’re not and if they are worried of what someone thinks, the only thing they can do is ignore them.

Lauren said...

Lauren Harris

Title: What makes a Leader?

Basic Passage: The question of what qualities make a good leader was discussed in class.

Correlation: We see towering above the masses these peculiar individuals known as leaders, the catalysts of change. What constitutes these rare characters? The most effective leaders are those that have presented a drama that unfolds over time with a message and a theme that is dynamic. For those who are praised as leaders have given or are giving their people the impression that they have embarked on a journey. For the followers this journey will in some way resolve the issue of their individual identities and their place in the order of this chaotic world. Power is linked to the human mind and the messages than can appeal to the needs of the followers, especially the need to feel included and respected. Communication, persuasion, and people skills are crucial. An understanding of history can help spot trends and repeated occurrences, learning from the past and avoiding mistakes. I heard once that fate is when preparation meets opportunity. Through action and determination a leader can achieve goals along the way. Patience, hope, understanding, humility, civilized conduct, and cooperation allow a leader to embrace his/her duties and obligations. When a leader develops intense zeal to achieve his/her vision, this boosts the spirit of those involved. Another key component is innovation. Introducing new methods and ideas just may bring what is needed to make improvements.

Of the infinite desires of humans, the chief are the desires for power and glory. Some attain power through communication, some through example, others through sheer hard work, others through knowledge, and yet others by understanding the system and using it to their advantage. In these power seekers lies great self confidence not only on the surface but deep into their core. When a task seems lost we put our faith in these courageous leaders. Hopefully, their appointed authority will not be in vain.

Penelope said...

Penelope Humenansky


Basic Passage:
Mario Cuomo, once a Governor of New York, on July 16, 1984 giving his speech to the Democratic National Convention, speaking about the other city President Reagan always referred to.

Mario Cuomo in his speech was discussing the difference between Reagan’s “shinning city.” Reagan’s shinny city always consisted of the better parts of the United States. The slums of our country were mention by Cuomo when he was addressing that President Reagan should visit those areas to realize the real people who needed help. While Reagan was in office, Reaganomics became known as his economic policies. These policies were also referred to as the “trickle-down economics.” This name was given because the four policies were passed because tax cuts were given to big businesses and to the rich hoping that the money would eventually make its way down to the less fortunate people. I am not to sure if this worked. Today, however, they are comparing President Obama as our present day Reagan. Obama is trying to give tax breaks to big businesses and to the rich again. Will the money being saved in this case also make its way down to the poor? Who knows. All we can do is hope that our hard earned tax money will not end up in the wrong hands. By the wrong hands, I mean the drug addicts and alcohol abusers. They do not deserve our money, especially if they do not have jobs. It’s hard to get a job, yes, but not impossible. They just need to realize they need to get off their butts and do something with themselves. If they never do anything and use our money for crap, then President Obama’s plan never worked and will need to find another way to save those poor souls.

Courtney said...

Courtney Wesolowski


“We could drink right out of a stream and eat fruit right off the trees.”

Today’s world has become very much wrapped up in technology to realize what s happening to the place we live. In class we discussed the fact that not even 30 years ago you did not have to think twice about drinking water out of a stream or picking fruit from a wild fruit tree. Today, there are way to many things in our streams and on our plants that could harm us for life, to even think of doing either of these things. Back during the time of the Pilgrims they did not have to worry about pesticides contaminating their waters like we do today. It has shown in recent studies that 73 different pesticides have been found in our ground water, or potential drinking water. What does this mean for us? It means that we need to control what is being put into our rivers in streams more strictly. These studies have also provided that 100 active ingredients in these pesticides are suspected to cause cancer, birth defects, and gene mutation. Yes, its great to hear that people are trying to go “green”, but will out country or world at that ever be close to being back to the way it was 30 years or ago or even back hundreds of years ago? Probably not, but there is no point in not trying. I think everyone needs to experience that fresh taste of water out of a stream or freshly picked fruit, without having to think twice about it causing some kind of heartache or long term affects. So, think about it, what do you want?

Eric said...

A. Human Morals Vs. Human Instincts
Eric Richardson

B. In class we discussed, the pilgrims initial relationship with the Native Americans.
We also discussed the Hypocrisy in the morals in which the pilgrims set for themselves in the new world.

C. There were two distinguishing factors that played out in the life that was set forth for the pilgrims in the new land. One was their strict morals that they were instructed to follow by the bible.
The other factor was the survival instincts that took over their priorities to thrive in the foreign land.
Not much was written about these developing times. We only have one account, written by Bradford, that is recorded and it is a very indirect account that leaves a lot of room for many different interpretations. So, it is hard to try to piece together and understand what was really happening during these beginning times of colonial development.
What we do know to be true is that the pilgrims just finished an trying trip to America and a lot of their resources including food and supplies were exhausted. We also know that many lives had been lost on this difficult journey. So the morale among the pilgrims was not at its highest especially when they had to fight off “barbaric” Indians to survive. This is were they hypocrisy comes in to play during these times.
The bible clearly states that one shall not steal but Bradford recorded two accounts in which the pilgrims did this very thing. One account describes the crime as follows, “shortly after great ketle was remaining with heaps of sand newly padled with their hands, which they, digging up.” If the bible was held with so much substance to them, why would they contradict its teachings? One can only come to believe that when it came to their survival or following their set out morals, they clearly choose to survive and disregard their religious teachings

Brittnye said...


Basic Passage: ...As for real-life American cities, he told Good Morning America that year that homeless people who slept on grates were "homeless, you might say, by choice."

Lately as I drive down Airport Blvd, I find myself looking at those homeless people that seem to always stand at the traffic light on the exit ramp of 65 with a sign held front and center begging for some sort of donation. I wonder what decisions put him there. What bad choices caused him to have to stoop to an all time low? According to Reagan, homeless people chose to be homeless and poor people chose to be poor. However, there’s this nagging feeling in the back of my mind that those guys do not chose to beg.
Reagan also speaks of “a shining city on a hill” but what about those cities surrounding that “shining city”? What about the poor people that built that “shining city on the hill”? The people that pay their taxes on time but have to pinch pennies to feed their families and pay their bills. But what Reagan failed to realize those poor people which he neglected are the ones that built this country. Being poor or homeless is definitely not a choice and is in no form an easy life.
I believe that the upbringing of an individual has a lot to do with the status of one’s life. I am sure that my life has been different from another person. For example, I am privileged enough to go to college and not HAVE to work to support myself, whereas a close friend of mine HAS to work to put herself through college if she wants to have a better life. It can be done but an individual has to have the determination and the correct mindset. For Reagan to make such a blind statement says a lot about his character. You never know anyone’s struggle, so I no longer judge, I only wonder about what could have been.

devinL said...

Devin Lochridge

Title: Choosing to be homeless?

Basic Passage: In class discussion on President Reagan saying that people where homeless by choice.

Correlation: You always hear growing up that people who were homeless were either really lazy,or addicted to drugs.I'm sure there are some homeless people who have been abandoned and cannot find work. But as most know our system is so messed up that you don't have to work, or make an income for yourself, you can always move to public housing. I use to feel sorry for the homeless. Then i had my own encounter with a homeless man up in Birmingham, he asked me for money, i pointed to a store behind him with a now hiring sign in the window, he pulled out a application and said "i hope it doesn't come down to that." I'm not saying that all of the homeless people are that way, i assume that most of them are though. But as long as the government keeps the welfare systems going no one should be homeless. The way our economy is going we might all be homeless one day.

laurelandtheashtree said...

Laura Butler

Are Americans optimistic or just stupid?

The way Americans respond to music, one could assume that they are simply choosing to ignore the negative aspects of our country and instead focusing on all that the United States has to offer. Some might call this optimism, while others call it stupidity. Nevertheless, it occurs time and again, especially with the music industry. Take for example Bruce Springsteen’s “Born in the U.S.A.” Vowell mentioned how listeners can all sing the chorus of the song, yet few know the words to each verse, which present a depressing, yet realistic view of America. But because everyone focused on the chorus, the song sold millions of copies and has become very well-known. The band Anti-Flag has a song that bashes the U.S.’s decision to invade Iraq, going so far as to compare it to Nazi Germany and also referencing George Orwell’s 1984. Anti-Flag says that democracy lies “trampled on the floor” because our leaders throughout history have used God and religion as a means to justify our nation’s actions. But Anti-Flag’s music is never played on the radio; they don’t get much publicity, and they don’t have many listeners. People don’t want to focus on the flaws of our country. And who can blame them? It gets depressing.

Pollyannaism is the tendency of people to agree with positive statements describing them. Should a government follow this ideal? In some ways, yes. If you’re constantly pointing out all the problems a country has, its citizens will lose faith in and loyalty to their country. But ignoring problems is not necessarily a good idea either, because these problems will grow and get worse. Therefore, it is up to our leaders to find the perfect balance, just the right way to view the situation. And as residents of the U.S., we may maintain a positive outlook, but she should not forget that our country is not perfect.

Stacy said...
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Stacy said...

Stacy Moralis

Title: “Born n the U.S.A.”

Basic Passage: “America’s future “rests in the message of hope in songs of a man so many young Americans admire, New Jersey’s Bruce Springsteen.”

Correlation: “This is the first song and title track to one of the most popular albums ever- Born in the U.S.A. sold over 18 million copies. The single was released in England as a double A-side with “I’m On Fire.” It was the first song Springsteen wrote for the album. He first recorded it on January 3, 1982 on the tape that became his album Nebraska later that year.”( Bruce Springsteen’s “Born in the U.S.A.” is a song that is often misinterpreted. “Since “Born in the U.S.A.” is about a Vietnam veteran who’s been home from the war for ten years, remembering his dead comrades and complaining about not being able to get a job, Gross asked Springsteen if he thought his songs have “a message of hope.” (Vowell, 60). In his songs, the chorus represents the hope part and the blues represent the realities of your life.
Springsteen wrote this song to inform people of the problems that the Vietnam veterans had when they came back home. This was the first war that the U.S. didn’t win. When veterans of other wars came home, they received so many welcomes. When the Vietnam veterans returned, they were ignored and not appreciated.
Another song that Springsteen performed that has a message is his latest hit, “Working on a Dream.” One part of the chorus is, “I'm working on a dream, though sometimes it feels so far away, I'm working on a dream, I know it will be mine someday.” He began performing this song when he was traveling, supporting Obama in the presidential elections. All of Bruce Springsteen’s songs have a message in them.

Anonymous said...

Title: Reaganomics good or bad for the economy?

Basic passage: In class we talked about Reagan era administration and how the term Reaganomics gave a new meaning by giving the rich more priorities than the poor.

Correlation: The economic policy that was used by the former president Ronald Reagan is often referred to as Reaganomics. During his administration many wealthy businessmen and entrepreneurs got heavy tax cuts and big government spending instead of helping out the needy. Like Reagan, President George W Bush also followed the same Reaganomics .Does that necessarily means republicans do not care about the poor? Many Americans thinks that it doesn’t quite make any sense to give someone who has more and many argues that giving tax breaks to wealthy Americans is actually beneficial because they are the ones who actually creates jobs and thus helping the economy. To me I see it both ways. American economy is based on middles class consumer spending. Without those spending business cannot generate revenue and when that happens layoff begins. On the other hand, more government regulation and taxation on business can also jeopardize and slow the overall growth and not create enough jobs. I believe that either way it is better for government not to interfere and spend tax dollar wisely but boldly. The current financial crisis started from many greedy selfish individuals who instead of helping other only wanted their pockets happy. Government should only give tax cuts to individuals and businesses which creates jobs helps others in need.

mrwilliams1989 said...

Brett Williams

Title: Your Very Own Shining City

Basic Passage: “A Shining city is perhaps all the president sees from the portico of the White House and the veranda of his ranch, where everyone seems to be doing well, but there is another city; there’s another part to the shining city”

Correlation: When I first read this passage, I took it comically with a chuckle. I pictured a city with skyscrapers that scratched the heavens and split the bellies of clouds as they passed in order to let magnificent rays of sunlight down from the sky. These rays of sunlight were golden when reflected from skyscrapers’ windows. I thought, “How naive.” That is what Cuomo thought of Regan, I believe. What Regan saw was the reality from his penthouse atop the skyscraper to stick with earlier metaphor. Like my roommate, he had all he needed there and had never to leave in order to prosper. Wealth would matriculate in front of him as if by some “God-like providence”. While others on the bottom floor of those buildings that we can’t even see the top of have to work and fight for everything in life and see things taken sometimes because it’s the only way to gain. My roommate and I had a discussion once about the quality of lunch at our respective high schools. My anecdotes were full of instances where I had to sneak off campus and return with McDonalds’, chicken or Pizza I’d snuck and called in earlier and his were all about the buffet lunch line that served all those things and how he had the luxury to picking a dessert or eating wherever he wanted. He was shocked, not surprised, that where I came from there was one entrĂ©e a day, a veggie, and a juice, then a fruit or dessert. He couldn’t understand that my lunch was rationed. “No,” he would reply,” You keep going back up and getting what you what until you’re full.”

shareca said...

Shareca Hawthorne

Negative or Reality?

Basic Passage “But has Obama become too negative?

Correlation: In class we discussed the things that Americans want to hear and what is reality. Some people are saying that President Obama is becoming too negative about the economy and what has happened in the U.S. People are comparing him to Ronald Reagan and how he told Americans what they wanted to hear and gave them hope that things could change. Obama is much like Reagan except Obama tells it like it is. Obama does not sugar coat it about what is happening in the U.S or about the economy that Bush has left us to deal with. Although Americans want to hear good things about what is going on and about the economy I would rather hear the realistic side of it. Reagan sold the American people a hope and a dream that things will change but Obama is thinking no he will tell the American people the truth and the reality side of what has happened and what can possibly happened if we all worked together. An example is the war in Iraq, in the beginning the American soldiers were the good people and the people in Iraq were the bad people. The media shows us what they want to show us, telling us what to believe and what not to believe but never showing the real side of what is going on. In my opinion I would want a leader who will tell me the truth that is based on reality rather than sell me a hope and a dream that things will get better and they don’t. Every president is not going to be alike, so I do not think people should criticize Obama about being negative when he is only telling them like it is.

Mike Flanagan said...

Title: The War In the Middle East

Basic Passage: Should America be in the Middle East or should we have stayed out the just they stay out. There are many different view and opinions on this topic.

Correlation: There is a huge gap between what we see ourselves doing in the Middle East and what people over there think we are doing. This situation is impossible to win. If America goes over there, our soldiers are getting killed and Americans are looked at as intruders by the middle easterners. If America does not go over there, then we are not doing anything to control terrorism and protect our country. As we saw in the video from some people in the Middle East believe that all we are doing is intruding their country. If you think about it, what if some other country came into our country and tried to tell us how to run our government? America thinks we are helping them by rebuilding their government. We are a crutch for them right now. Someday when we leave the Middle East there is a good chance they will fall. We have to make sure that the established government is stable and liked before we leave in order to ensure success. What is the right decision? Pulling out of the war would not be smart until their people can run their own government. That would create more problems than have already been created. How can we persuade the middle easterners that we are not intruders and just in their country to help. For some of them it is impossible to make peace. Hopefully we can persuade a majority in order to help their country, before the others become even more hostile.

Brett C. Allen said...

Brett Allen

Pilgrim Indian Quarrels

Basic Passage: Bradford described the quarrel with the Indians including the weapons used. He records a skirmish when a few men went exploring. The men survived their first skirmish, but they had to find a new place to settle.

Correlate: Bradford recorded that ten men were sent to scout the bay around Cape Cod, and it is understandable why the pilgrims remained here and not in Virginia where they had intended on going. Fish had been washed on the beaches, and the Indians found the place desirable. It became clear to the ten men that they were unwelcome during the morning they were first attacked. They had camped near where they had seen the Indians the previous night cleaning a fish. Bradford recorded the Indians shouting and firing arrows, and the pilgrims used muskets. A musket is an inaccurate weapon, yet Bradford measured distances by a musket’s range. Muskets were also used in the Revolutionary War, and when the colonists fired upon lines of British, more were killed in the back of these lines because the bullets arced high before coming down again. Ammunition must be reloaded and gunpowder packed before each shot. These weapons were actually better than the bow and arrow, and they were enough to drive away the natives. An advantage of the musket is that any metal could be melted and used for ammunition. The Indians had likely tried to scare away the pilgrims during the night and had brought more help. The pilgrims were able to dodge the arrows. When firing an arrow it takes less time to reload. Arrows are also accurate at close range. This was not the first time Indians had seen Europeans, and if they had had the means to sculpt metal, it may have turned out differently in the skirmish.