Basic Passage: The Nazi’s slogan during their reign of terror during the Holocaust was, “My country, right or wrong.” Even through mass murder, many Nazi soldiers stuck by their dedicated leader, Adolf Hitler.
Correlate: Throughout the course of both American and world history, there have been acts of extreme patriotism that would make real patriots cringe. My basic passage reveals the Nazi slogan during Hitler’s occupation of German through the 1940’s: “My country, right or wrong.” Unfortunately, as the rest of the world knew, they were wrong. The mass murdering of a third of the Jewish population in Europe: what could be right about that? German soldiers obeying orders to kill innocent victims. One has to question the soldiers’ morals. Deep inside, I’m sure they knew it was wrong. But they were blinded by fear and the power over them, persuading them to do what Hitler believed was a massive excavation of an unwanted group of people.
However, this was definitely not the first instance of violent patriotism. In fact, our country wouldn’t be what it is today without acts of forceful seizure and violent slaughter. Oddly enough, stealing the land from Native Americans when the Europeans arrived is what our country is founded on. Not that this behavior should be advocated, but it seems as if we owe our very existence as a “patriotic nation” to the violent explorers who took the land, murdered the natives, and claimed it for their own. Another instance of extreme patriotism is the McCarthy “Red Scare” era. Fearing for our country’s sacred democratic system, people all over the United States eagerly tried to turn over suspected Communists to the government. This patriotism parallels the Nazi patriotism in that it was performed more out of fear and ignorance rather than for the “good of the nation” (even though some probably believed that as well). In conclusion, extreme patriotism has existed since the beginning of our country and around the world. Whether out of fear, ignorance, or true dedication, it’s an aspect of life people will constantly battle over and over again.
Correlation: The other day in class we were discussing the idea of patriotism, loyalty, iconoclast and jingoism. The point was to consider the dichotomy of being committed to one’s country without question, no matter what. This, as opposed to being somewhat skeptical of authority and the ideas those authorities try to impress on us. The question asked was, “is one more patriotic than the other.” On one hand, you might think it would be patriotic to do, act, behave (pick a word) based on what the government mandates- sort of like the military follows orders. Or once a law is passed, that’s it- a law is a law and we obey... On the other hand, maybe it’s more patriotic to examine the rules and regs that control our society. By doing so, ideas that are clearly flawed, or at least controversial, should be revised (legalizing pot, abortion issues and so forth). I guess both sides are acceptable in the realm of patriotism, but then you have the extremists on either end of the spectrum. With a “head down, ask no questions- just do your job” attitude, a situation such as the holocaust is obviously possible since it happened that way. In our reading of the Puritans, though not patriotic, I suppose they had loyalty to God, which justified their treatment of the Indians much like the Nazi’s had higher orders justifying their treatment of Jews. Strangely enough, the Puritans also questioned the English Church and rejected the church’s religious ideals for their own interpretation of the bible. So it’s like they played both sides of this question. Anyway, back to the other extreme of patriotism- When an extremist disagrees with a policy or rule of society, they might want to bring attention to that controversy by causing destruction. There are cases of bombing abortion clinics in protest of the Pro-Choice movement, and the bombing of the Capitol building in protest of the Vietnam War. None of these extremes can be called patriotic because they don’t better society as a whole, but only because of their method of trying to raise awareness to their cause.
Basic Passage: All books of some sort have different colors and different images on them. They all have their own unique thing about them that sets them all apart. This is what draws attention to a book because most of the time whatever is on the front cover is what is being introduced in the book. So if a book does not have a good enough information on the front cover the reader maybe will not be as enthused about that book most of the time.
Correlation: The front cover of the book that we are reading in class Sarah Vowell's The Wordy Shipmates really draws to my attention. The way the colors are in the background and the use of natural light makes it even more interesting. The toy figures are really amusing to. Why did they not just use real people to have a more graphical look on there face whenever they arrive at their new world. I also really like the ship in the back it really stands out to show how they have arrived at their new land, which was by ship. The book that one of the little toy puritans is holding must mean that they are making a stand at their newfoundland to say this is our land, and no one else can have it. On the front cover it looks like the little toy puritans are standing on sand, which means that the puritans probably landed on a beach when they discovered America. Also, the little toy puritan women is holding a baby which means that baby made the trip, which would be very amazing because times were very hard.
Basic Passage: Many people go about doing so much each day of their lives, but never get the proper recognition. It seems like nobody realized the good that’s been done until that person is gone are dead.
Correlate: As we discussed in class many of our famous figures in history are often over looked while they are making their journey towards history, but when their going they often receive the accolades and support they should receive while they where on their way. This often makes me wonder do we as people just don’t realize the things many do or we are just reluctant to give credit where credit is do. It seems if you want some support for anything you are trying to change you better wait until you are dead before their we’ll be any effort. This makes me wonder would there ever been a Martin Luther Kings Day if he never was assassinated. Then I realize that it’s not that we just being ignorant or don’t really care, but that death really defines what you contributed to life while you where on God’s green Earth. It takes death for someone to realize how much you meant to them or how much you need them. We should stop waiting to someone is gone to celebrate their life, but celebrate their life every time you see them. Like many of my ancestor say, “give them their flowers while they have the chance to smell them.” I feel that we are caught up with our so called “busy life” to actually enjoy life. I feel that we take time spent on Earth for granite and think we'll just be here forever, but you my not know when the last time you’re here. We need to learn to just appreciate life.
Basic passage:Some people consider themselves as being Christians. They go about their daily routines and can sometimes forget what they are trying to convey.
Correlation: As we previously discussed in class there is a big difference between the Christian culture and what a real Christian is. There is no such thing as a real Christian person not cursing or doing anything that they are not suppose to do because it’s Sunday. The Christian culture is what many people live by today. People today thinks that if they go to church every Sunday and cry to the pastor and God about things that they have done Monday through Saturday or even before they have entered the church building that wasn’t “Christian like” they are being real Christians. Being a Christian means living the word no matter what situation you are in. People have drifted away from the right way to be a Christian to the way that they think being a Christian means. I go to church on Sundays not every Sunday but most and I don’t call myself a real Christian because I don’t live by all the words of God. Being a real Christian means doing whatever God has told you to do and to follow his word and only his and no one shall be above him. Some people don’t understand the concept of living by God’s word and calling themselves real Christians. People who call themselves real Christians will be saints in church and put on shows like they didn’t just curse the bill collectors out before entering the church or like they didn’t just tell their kids to “shut the hell up before they whoop the shit out of them while standing outside waiting to enter the church. I saw this older lady in the grocery store and she was with her grandkids and one of them were picking up things that they shouldn’t have been picking up and the older lady said these exact words “ I am a real Christian woman but sometimes ya’ll bad asses provoke me to do things God wouldn’t like for me to do, if ya’ll don’t keep ya damn hands off shit God is going to send me a vision to whoop ya’ll lil asses .But she said she was a real Christian woman!!! People should look back at the times when people took Christianity and religion seriously and rethink the whole “we real Christian folks” to what it actually means.
Title: Loyalty to America vs. Questioning Authority
Basic Passage: Our country has been said to be the greatest country on earth. But why are there so many different views on how things should be done in America? Shouldn’t everyone be entitled to their own opinion? Correlation: Many people have their own opinion about loyalty to America. For example during the elections, I recall Joe the plumber praising John McCain for fighting for our country and questioning Barrack Obama saying he wasn’t loyal enough to run our country. As citizens we want to believe in our country and defend it. The Pledge of Allegiance is cited every morning at schools across America and the National Anthem is sung at every major event. Americans show their love for their country on a daily basis unintentionally. America is known as the “land of the free” and “land of opportunity.” It is most people’s dream country until certain laws are passed and certain officials take office. Things suddenly change and if it is not what the people want, they protest and lead riots. Recently in national elections a law was passed to ban gay marriage, also known as Proposition 8. All is well and good until one is personally affected by an action by the government then people start to question authority. Questioning authority does not mean that you are not loyal to your country, it is a patriotic duty. It is only natural to want to stand up for something you strongly believe in. This is how you become a leader. If Rosa Parks wouldn’t have gave up her seat on the bus, or if Abraham Lincoln would have been too afraid of what other might have thought when he ended slavery, then we would not be where we are today with a growing and diverse society. To question authority is to simply show expression, which each American is entitled to.
Basic Passage: “Cotton says, ‘If God be the gardener, who shall pluck up what he sets down?’”–The Wordy Shipmates, page 3. “Their single-minded obsession with one book, the Bible, made words the center of their lives—not land, not money, not power, not fun.” –The Wordy Shipmates, page 13.
Correlation: The Pilgrims believed stealing from and killing the Native Americans was justified because it had already been written in the Bible. They saw themselves as the new Israelites to travel to a new place and establish it. Even though they’re following God, that meant doing things like stealing and murdering. Is this really how God intended it to happen? Did the Pilgrims see a vision from God of them killing and stealing from Indians? Vowell justifies this by saying they needed to survive. Were they ignoring any instinct telling them that was wrong? How are we to judge whether the Pilgrims were right or wrong? One will never know what they’d do unless they’re put in that situation. It could’ve also been the fact that the Pilgrims were strong than the Native Americans, and maybe it was better for their community to do this.
Page thirteen claims the Pilgrims were obsessed with reading the Bible and not land, money, power, or fun. If this is true, why were they killing and stealing from others to gain power/control? This statement is contradicting to the Bible. How are we supposed to believe their obsession was the Bible when they’re murdering. “Thou shall not kill” is a commandment the Pilgrims ignored while they were reading the Bible. They may have used the Bible as a guide, but I find it hard to believe the Bible guided them to murder and steal. Throughout history we’ve learned about countries gaining territory by taking over another country. Obviously, the stronger country wins. Why wouldn’t the Pilgrims admit they conquered the Native Americans to expand and survive instead of trying to justify their actions with a story in the Bible? That would be more believable and acceptable.
B. In class we talked about opposing sides of loyalty to ones country, with patriotism, in our case America. Or on the other hand, the need to question authority.
C. I think we could all agree that there can be too much good in a lot of cases. When a person does things to the extreme they become almost obsessive, which can be unhealthy for that person and others around him or her. For an example, exercise is recommended by doctors to maintain a healthy lifestyle and to maintain a healthy body. If you exercise too much, you can cause injuries to you body such as muscle and bone injuries. This fact still holds true for the love of one’s country. If you join the military, you show patriotism and loyalty. If you have the mind set of Germans in the WWII era, “my country, right of wrong”, you’ll do whatever your country tells you to, regardless of the legality of the action. As humans and Americans, we have the moral duty to question authority when what they are doing is wrong, such as when innocent lives are taken. Also, not only were the German leaders wrong for the murder of the Jews, but the people who were “Jingoist” ,people who were extreme patriots, were also wrong. On the other hand, as Americans, we have confidence in our elected officials and may question their actions, but questioning an individual too much can be classified as “iconoclasters” “My country right or wrong, my country” what your country does right of wrong is your country. What they do reflect apon you as a citizen there, you must do what you can to make sure their actions are moral.
Basic Passage: “America is a shining city upon a hill whose beacon light guides freedom-loving people everywhere." Ronald Reagan
Corralation: The high ideals of America started at its young age. John Winthrop said, “… we must consider that we shall be as a city upon a hill, (and that) the eyes of all people are upon us…” The city upon a hill phrase is not just biblical, but also shows that the founders and the new aged leaders think America is looked upon by every other country. Although when the pilgrims came in they did take the land and the food from the Native Americans. Which doesn’t set a good example. Since the beginning, the high expectations of our leaders, such as presidents, has lead the American people, to believe in their promises. Unfortunately, many of these politicians do not follow through with these promises. If other countries were able to see the actuality of our politics and president’s speeches, I wonder what they would think? Or do other countries really know the truth and we just ignore this and keep thinking America is on top of a hill? Through our presidents’ actions such as scandals and affairs, how high are American ideals? Being human there are mistakes made but being a leader of a high ideal country there are no excuses. The leaders of our country have been looked up to by all generations. They are supposed to be setting good examples for these generations to follow, but are letting our country down by allowing our high ideals to fall. As a country we still strive to be that city upon a hill, and with our new leader Barack Obama America should reach its goal.
Basic Passage: The Henry David Thoreau passage about the importance of the art of writing.
Correlation: In class today, we read a quote that was located on page 12 of Wordy Shipmates. The quote was by Henry David Thoreau, and it declared the art of writing the most important thing in the world. The art of writing has been practiced for a long time. In the beginning it consisted of cave art and drawings that represented words and actions. Slowly, this early language transformed into a more sophisticated oral and written language. It wouldn't be long before it would begin to be practiced by many and perfected by few like early philosophers and scientists. To a logical person like me, I initially believed the importance of the art of writing was highly overrated (you can tell by my poor writing style). I believed it was more important to know the things I was studying, like physics, calculus, and other sciences. But what is the use of all of this knowledge if it cannot be put into an understandable medium? How could have any of the amazing sciences around the world be useful or explained without a respectable writing form? Writing has been the foundation for intelligence and knowledge throughout time. Writing interprets and teaches; it can also be about anything. Author Jack Dann once said, "For me, writing is exploration; and most of the time, I'm surprised where the journey takes me." The different arts of writing can be seen everywhere in today's society. It is used to advertise, it is used to inform, it is used to persuade, to present,to teach, and to do almost anything. The art of writing is easily one of the most important things in life.
Basic Passage: “Patriotism is defined as having love and or devotion to one’s country."
Correlation: So, what does it mean to show patriotism towards one’s country? Does it mean having an American flag hanging from your house? Does it means wearing a flag pin on your clothes? Or does it mean serving or joining the military or the army? Well technically, if you are a true patriot and you love your country, well then yes patriotism is the epitome of all these things. Sometimes being patriotic isn’t always about serving your country or hanging an American flag from your home; there are other ways of showing your patriotism. You can show your patriotism by joining organizations within your community or simply do volunteer work. Sometimes, people may go overboard with showing their patriotism (they’re called Jingoisms) but they just can’t help it. We are all Americans and proud of it. If someone has a problem with it, then something is wrong. I may not show my patriotic side but sometimes I really don’t think it’s necessary for me to do so. I don’t have to do or wear something to define myself. I know who I am and that is being an American citizen.
After the 9/11attacks, America was changed forever. The nation came together and that was something that could not be taken away from us. Innocent lives were lost and there was nothing that could have been done to prevent this tragic event from happening. I mean no one in their wildest dreams thought that something like this (9/11) would happen here. You hear about these attacks happening in other countries and you feel sorry for them, but when something like this hit close to home it makes you realize that no one is safe. We are the United States of America and will always stand united as one.
Bad to be outside of the Catholic church and the Protestant church?
Brief Passage: “[…] and the churches of God revert to their anciente puritie, and recover their primitive order, libertie, and bewtie.” – From Of Plimoth Plantation By William Bradford
Correlation: The Catholic Church is seen as the almighty. It is the top of the line church. Going against the church in any way is seen as treachery. It was against the law hundred of years ago to be on the outside of the church. William Bradford left England because his faith was not with the Catholic Church. He was a Christian. All throughout his and his followers long trip to the “New World” with a Bible in his hand the whole way, he began to settle with his own church. So, you would think that every person who followed Bradford would believe in his teachings right? No, Anne Hutchinson was an outcast. She would hold secret bible meetings for women and eventually men discussing how she viewed the sermons of John Cotton, a Protestant minister. She was looked down upon because she was different and stood out to what was the seen as the “norm.” She preferred to speak her mind about her beliefs in the sermons she read. She was seen as a threat because the “true” ministers did not know what kind of powers she may have had over her followers and their threats. After a while she thought that it would be best for her to declare her own theological understanding of sermons. Some of her understandings insulted the leaders of the colony. After her jury trial she was banished from the colony and was left on her own. Does this not sound like the Catholic Church? Anne Hutchinson had her own views and was sent away instead of leaving on her own? I think so
Basic Passage: There is a “…Big omission of the money side. History only talks about the 40 of them signing the Mayflower Compact” (Balford).
Correlate: Those that cared only about the money in the time of the Puritans didn’t write about any of the history that we study today. As has been proven with “the city on a hill,” words shape our history. We have an extensive history from Bradford, Winthrop, and the other Puritans that we have relied upon for centuries. The economic aspect often gets left out of textbooks, however, because little was written of it. Could this potentially be why we are in the economic and financial crunch we face today? Many argue that our economic problems are being caused by a worldwide recession; however, this is largely America’s fault. The primary cause of the recession, the subprime mortgage crisis, began in America. Could our lack of history from those that focused primarily on economics be a cause? Originally, we believed in the Triangular Trade in which we exported more than import and had a positive Gross National Product. We also backed gold for every dollar that was printed. Today we’re in economic troubles, and we just print money without backing it up; therefore, technically our money is worthless. The point of all this is the Pilgrims were iconic and left us many of our traditions and beliefs we still have today; however, we don’t have the same type of history in literature to follow with the economic aspect. Our economics have changed from what once made our country successful because of this lack of history; our principles and values, however, have remained intact and written in stone. America was once the land of hope where millions immigrated to find jobs; today jobs are fleeing America everyday so a few wealthy businessmen can make a better buck.
Basic Passage: In class discussion on "Survival of the fittest"
"Survival of the fittest" is phrase which is shorthand for a concept relating to competition for survival, or predominance."Survival of the fittest" is the way most people explain Charles Darwin's theory of natural selection. The underlying premise is that species which are best "fitted" for survival by some standard will be the ones to survive. Some people even feel that because this is "natural," it is how things "should be". At it's worst, the concept is then applied to human survival to justify not helping or even actively hurting those who are "unfit" for survival.
Survival of the fittest is a lie, at least in the common conception that people have of it. There is no natural selection of survivors according to any pre-existing standard of being "fit" or the best specimens, or anything of the sort. You can say after the fact that those species or individuals which survive are the fittest, but then the theory becomes redundant. It becomes "survival of the survivors."
Darwin's theory simply points out that when certain traits cause individuals in a species to survive more often than others, those individuals get to reproduce more often and so pass on those traits. In fact, if weak and sickly individuals find a way to survive and reproduce more, and so supplant other gene-lines, then they become the "fittest" by the definition of natural selection.
Darwin's theory describes a process - one which determines how species change and adapt. It says nothing about the "moral rightness" of the process, or what man should do with the knowledge. Perhaps the confusion starts with his use of the word "selection." It implies a "selector," which in most people's minds would be something along the lines of a "god"," or if not a god, then man.
Basic Passage: In class, we spoke about how the Anglican Catholic Church essentially worked as a governing body. Thus causing corruption and the eventual fleeing of the Puritans to the land we know today.
Correlation: As in the days of Bradford, the Catholic Church basically ruled over what social class you would be in as well as if you could even be “religious.” This caused great conflict because ultimately the people were doing nothing more than reading the bible, and could be charged with treason and put to death. The Puritans were a devout people who fled to the Americas for no reason other than to be able to worship their God free of the persecution. The Salem Witch Trials are a huge argument proving the need of the separation during the times of the Colonies. Many women were killed because of the mindset of the Puritans. When the writers of the Declaration sought about how our country was to be governed, it was an integral ideal that the nation was to be governed free of religion.
These issues have now taken a greater turn since the higher influx of immigrants to the United States, thus causing situations between religions. The religious Founding Father Thomas Jefferson once said, "It does me no injury for my neighbor to say there are twenty gods," who was a fierce believer of the Separation of Church and State. The Christian belief is that the Separation of Church and State was set that the Puritan Church was created so that what the Catholic Church did could never happen again, but not to erase religion. Thus, saying that the Christianity that the Puritans brought should still be an important part of our nation. Regardless your personal beliefs the separation is what has defined us as who we are. No one will ever know what our Founding Fathers intended to happen, so why do we argue over what we thought they meant?
Basic Passage: Discussion of the Antichrist and who he may be has come up a few times in class while discussing the Puritans and the Catholic church.
The term Antichrist refers to someone who will be recognized for fulfilling the Biblical prophecies about one who will oppose Christ. Beginning in the days of early America, people have named who the Antichrist is or will be. In the days of the Puritans, the pope of the Catholic church began being named the Antichrist. Since then, it has become almost an obsession of naming who the Antichrist is suspected of being. The prophet Daniel wrote that the Antichrist “does not regard the desire of women.” This could be why almost every pope has been named the Antichrist. It is said that the Antichrist will have great charisma and speaking ability, “a mouth speaking great things.” He will save the world from its desperate economic, military and political problems with a brilliant 7 year plan for world peace, economic stability, and religious freedom. Because of the huge crowds that Barack Obama attracts, he too has now been predicted as being the Antichrist. He has also been referred to as “Messiah-like.” People sit in awe when the now, President Obama gives a speech. They want to believe every word that is uttered from his mouth. They sit listening, hoping and believing that this man has all the answers that America needs. The Puritans being religious people often brought up the Antichrist in their writings. Today the term Antichrist is still used a lot. President Obama may be viewed as the Antichrist for the time being but who knows who will be next. Everyone has their own views or interpretations of the Bible and who the Antichrist will be.
Passage: Today in class we talked about the puritan’s mindset and beliefs. The discussion made questioned whether the puritans were to extreme in their faith and how they would be look upon in today society.
Correlation: The General perception that I have is that most people want to believe that puritans were honest, hard working, courageous, and people of strong faith. Why wouldn’t you? They are the ones that some say laid foundation for our country and brought religion to America. Many people, especially those of strong religious faith, have a strong sense of pride when it comes to the puritans. I m not saying that ALL of the previously mention attributes are false. I m saying while the puritans DID posses some admirable characteristics; some of their beliefs could be consider self righteous and radical. The puritans believed that they were God’s ONLY chosen people. They believed that they had permission from their God to Kill the men, women, and children in-order to claim their “promised land”. This type of mindset or ideology practically fits the very definition of radical. The belief that because one’s faith or religion condones bad or in some circumstances unforgiveable behavior is ridiculously radical, and still can be seen in today’s world. A great example of this would be the Israel and Palestine Conflict. Here you have two countries (because of their strong religious faith) fighting over a piece of land which both claim belongs to them. Look at the radical religious group called Hamas. Because of their religious convictions they believe they are entitled to the West Bank and Gaza Strip (Israel controlled territories). Hamas routinely conducts suicide bombings killing hundreds of Israel men, women, and children, in an effort to gain control of their “promised land.” Despite committing these horrific attacks of violence, members of Hamas believe they are justified and exempt from persecution; because they belief they are acting under the will of their God and in the name of their religion. There are many correlations between today’s radical groups and the beliefs of the puritans. If the puritan were carrying out their “mission” today would they be labeled a radical or extremist group?
Basic Passage: 2 Samuel 7:10 “And I will provide a place for my people Israel and will plant them so that they can have a home of their own and no longer be disturbed. Wicked people will not oppress them anymore, as they did at the beginning” NIV
Correlation: In class we discussed the paragraph in Sarah Vowell’s book about 2 Samuel 7:10. She says that John Cotton, a Puritan minister from England, is telling these soon-to-be Americans that they are God’s chosen people. Well I see this a little differently then Cotton. Yes the Bible does state that God has given then this new land and wants them to flourish on this land but does flourishing have to consist of taking from others? Not necessarily. 2 Samuel 7:10 states “… no longer be disturbed. Wicked people will not oppress them anymore, as they did at the beginning.” Isn’t this being a little hypocritical to the fact that they believe in the verse so strongly of not being disturbed or oppressed by wicked people yet they will disturb natives to this new land and not think twice about what they are doing. In The Wordy Shipmates, Sarah Vowell says that it’s like “God has printed eviction notices for them to tack up on the homes of the nothing special.” Are the “nothing special” people the natives? Who knows? The way this verse was perceived during the Puritan time, I think is completely different then the way I perceive it in today’s time. You can’t just come in and take something that isn’t yours for the taking.
Passage: A book is marketed by its cover. In most cases it can draw a reader in or turn a reader away just as a movie trailer can make you want to see a movie. The cover of Vowell’s book say’s a lot about her writing style and tone of this book.
Correlation: If you’re judging this book by its cover you can tell Vowell is an iconoclast. The toy images are the first thing I see when I look at this book. They’re plastic. It conveys to me as if the author is not taking the puritans seriously. I notice that the man with the bible in his hands has a stern look on his face. It makes me believe that Vowell wants the reader to see that the puritans we’re extremely serious about their new world, even if she doesn’t take them so seriously. I also see he has a bible in his hand and finger up which is very powerful. That shows that the puritans came over for one reason only, to spread and reform their church. I also notice that the colors fade from a bright to dark color which could convey to the reader that they came from a safe house of land to a new land they did not know at all. With the colors of the cover mostly being light colored it also makes me think that this book is somewhat light hearted. I see as well that the image shows the figures not very far away from the boat. It shows that the puritans came and as soon as they got off the boat they meant business. What that figures are standing in looks like very fine grain sand. That may be suggesting that the land they landed on was pure and free of the catholicism they left behind.
"The only thing more dangerous than an idea is a belief.”
Wow. In the very first line of Sarah Vowell’s book, I am immediately drawn in. “And by dangerous, I don’t mean thought-provoking. I mean: people might get killed.”
The rest of the first few pages continues with Vowell vaguely stating situations throughout history where one culture felt the need to impose its beliefs upon another. Why do people feel the need to “save” the rest of the world? Who are we to interefere with the lives of other human beings? Don’t get me wrong, I’m a practicing Catholic, but I firmly believe in a lassiez-faire method of religion... “Leave them alone”. I don’t support missionary work because really, do you want someone forcing their beliefs on you?
"Those who cannot remember the past, are condemned to repeat it” (George Santanya). As if the Spanish Inquisition, the Crusades, and slavery weren’t horrendous enough, these events have been repeated again and again, except with different people and in different countries. Because God told them to. Take the case of the settlers wiping out thousands of Native Americans, which happened because the Puritans believed they had been “picked by God”. And everyone is familiar with the Nazis and their attempt to erradicate all of the Jews and “unclean” people from Europe. Perhaps the only thing that could make this story more atrocious is the fact “that everything Hitler did in Germany was legal." (Martin Luther Kind Jr.) We cannot continue to make mistakes, to be so arrogant as to think that our belief or way of life is the “right” way. Just as each person’s genetic make-up gives us features that differ, so do the thoughts in our heads make us different. I enjoy living in a world that’s so diverse. So just because you don’t agree with someone and their beliefs, don’t try to change them.
Basic Passage: “The art of writing is the highest of those permitted to man.” Also, “History is written by the writers.”
Correlation: Literature perhaps started with man discovering his ability to create. It has also taken on the history of the world, helping preserve for man the different schools of thought. Literature can be defined as man’s way of communicating with society, breaking barriers that usually divide those of color, time, gender, or status. It is something that stands the test of time and can entertain, inspire, and educate for eternity. Books have the power to shake the very foundations of society. They lead to shift of thought and way of living, inspiring whole nations to rebel and change. When we decipher a piece of literature, we take part in the creative process. Perspective relies on the senses and the imagination; perspective and reflection allow us to form opinions.
We write to express who we are and what we value, to mark our place in the world, to be witnessed by others, to build community, to be remembered. Writers are the weavers, the storytellers, the vessels of memory. Life is fragile so many feel the urgency to document to help shape this unfolding new world. There is an obligation to record our personal values and family stories. In doing so, we strengthen civilization. This is a powerful tool to unleash voices, power, and purpose. The public and younger generations should create the habit of reading and develop liking for literature and history.
Literature assists the searcher of truth in a manner of exposing the rest of the world to the intricate torments and triumphs of the extraordinary minds; a reader, it can be said, becomes wholly part of the writer with whom they identify, and the relationship deepens not only their understanding of the world but also of whom he or she desires to be.
Correlate: The book Wordy Shipmates we are reading in class has really brought to my attention a whole new aspect of the founding of America. Mr. Alford said in class that in elementary school they give us the sweet version of the Pilgrims coming to America, and college we learn the truth. I have to agree with him. I had no idea things were as violent as they were. I thought the Indians and Pilgrims got along just fine. It was a nice union between two different types of people. Well, I was wrong. I would have rather never learned the truth about it. I don't mind thinking that everything was so peaceful and loving, but I guess it is time for me to grow up, and learn the truth about my country.
These people who call themselves Christians go in someone else’s land, and start taking it over. Cotton who is a leader in this group feels that this is what God is telling him to do. It does not seem right, but who knows God might have told him to do this. Cotton uses the word of God to back up what he is doing. The word of God is powerful, and full of inspiring stories. I know in my life I try my best to live by the Bible. Maybe that is just what he was doing, but maybe he was taking it a little to the extreme, but who am I to judge. I have no idea what was going on in his mind. One day when I get to heaven I might get to learn the complete truth.
Passage: Over the ages and since the beginning of time people have used religion to back up their motives and actions.
Correlation: Time and time again we find through not just American history but the history of the world that many wars and conflicts have been fueled or based by the peoples religion. Every country in Europe claimed they were not just exploring for land and riches but to help spread their religious beliefs, which in most cases was God. Starting with the Spaniards down in Mexico and coming up all the way to Maine with the pilgrims, the New World was slowly and forcibly changed by these new people and their beliefs. What I find myself asking is how much of historical events that have occurred actually were being carried out because the people actually were following the word of God. When the Pilgrims would kill the Indians and take their land, they found some scripture in the Bible and took it out of context to try and justify what they were doing. When God said that we are his chosen people, I very seriously doubt that meant that it is okay for us to kill others in order to take their land. Is one of the 10 Commandments in the Bible “Thou shall not kill”? The pilgrims very easily left this part of the Bible out. Why? Perhaps because that would make them killing all the Indians for land seem like a bad thing. During the Salem Witch Trails the people were saying that the supposed witches were against God and sinners. Once again I find myself doubting that God would applaud the type of actions that were taking place. It is my personal opinion that throughout the course of history that people have been using God and the Bible in false pretenses or out of text to try and make their horrible actions seem less evil.
Basic Passage: Should the American people today have the right to change the ideas and ways America was started on.
Correlation: Today in our country there are many people and groups of people that are attempting to remove anything that has God's name in it out of whatever this item is. Our founding fathers such as George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, etc signed the Constitution under God's name after completing the first official document for America. Everyone at this point all agreed with believing in God and knew that without his words and help, they could not has achieved all of their goals when it came down to establishing a successful government. From almost every single document known as far back as the Magna Carta, there are statements within saying things like, "In God we trust". You can obviously tell that God had a major part in all of these people’s lives and it was crucial part of helping the people succeed. Today people are going as far as wanting to take God's name out of all currency, school, within the government, you name it and someone is probably trying to get rid of it. Is this really the right thing to do? I think it is disrespectful and completely ignores all of the hard work the founding fathers did to form all of parts to our country. I think that it is fair and right to respect all the other religions that blend in with America, but everyone else who doesn't believe in Christianity should still respect the dace that this is why we get to live in a free country. Also if the pilgrims wouldn't have come over to America for religious freedom, we might not have the privileges and opportunities we all have today. So instead of focusing on the small issues like taking God out of our original documents, maybe everyone should focus more on the economic issues and making our country and more successful place as a whole.
Passage: Jingoism- "extreme chauvinism or nationalism marked especially by a belligerent foreign policy ".
Correlate: The above definition of jingoism comes from the Webster’s dictionary. Unlike most dictionary definitions, this one leaves a lot of room for interpretation and discussion. This lack of a detailed explanation could leave people with a misguided view of the hypocrisy that is jingoism. Often times Americans relate jingoism to Nazi Germany or other famous extremist governments in the world’s history. However, jingoism can be found right here in America just as easy. In a country full of people who think the rest of the world is inferior and should be more like us, we must sit back and analyze this narcissism. America’s entry into Iraq, although greatly needed and beneficial to the oppressed people of Iraq (or so we as “westerners” would like to think), has proven our arrogance loud and clear. We without a doubt had a jingoistic frame of mind thinking that we could go to Iraq and conquer it so easily. This country goes back 4,000 years. It was formerly known as Mesopotamia and Persia, which we have all heard of in our history classes. This historically rich country has never had an organized government and has never been anywhere near democratic and we assumed we could use our brute strength to bully them into our way of government. Our frame of mind as Americans is perhaps a bit clouded. Most Americans seem to have the perception that our services are needed throughout the world. That we must go and protect or liberate people who we feel are being mistreated. The fact of the matter is, some people who lived under Saddam Hussein and the dictators before him might have felt like their “liberation” was unnecessary. That was their culture and their way of life, so who are we to say that it is incorrect. There are plenty of problems in this country that need addressing before we start searching for others to solve.
Stacy Moralis Title: The Evolution of Protestantism
Basic Passage: Where did Protestantism come from and how is it different than other religions?
Correlation: In class today, we questioned the evolution of Protestantism. Protestantism came about in the sixteenth century Reformation. It is one of the three divisions of Christianity. There is Roman Catholicism, Orthodoxy, and Protestantism. “Protestant denominations differ in the degree to which they reject Catholic belief and practice. Some churches, such as Anglicans and Lutherans, tend to resemble Catholicism in their formal liturgy, while others, like Baptists and Presbyterians, retain very little of the liturgy and tradition associated with the Catholic church”( The Protestants rejected the authority of the Pope and encouraged the authority of the Bible and the importance of their faith. I am Greek Orthodox, and our beliefs are different than Protestants. We have bishops and priests. These men act in the person of Christ. There is no priesthood in the Protestant church. Every Sunday we receive Communion that consists of the Body and Blood of Christ. In every liturgy, there is a prayer to a saint and the Virgin Mary. The Protestants do not believe in praying to any saints. When the priest comes out of the alter in an Orthodox church, the congregation rises because he is representing a symbol of Christ. We sing many hymns that are prayers. I don’t see the big deal in there being different religions. Everyone has their different beliefs, and that is how it will always be. I don’t think we should judge people just because they are a different religion that us. So what if they don’t believe in prayer. If they think that it is not affecting their lives because they aren’t praying every day, then leave it at that. It is their own life, and they should be able to do what they want without being judged.
Basic Passage: The American Myth of the Visionary Hero
Correlation: He doesn’t see what you or I see when he looks out the mirror. Where you and I see poverty, corruption and greed, he sees a land of opportunity. This figure is how American businesspersons are born and the ideals that construct him are how they are fed. “Be All you can be”, “Only you can make a difference” and even “We’ll leave the light on for you” are all slogans that project onto people the idea that “YOU” are different from everyone else. When in actually the person next to you, having seen the same commercials is exactly your equal. No, then you become “a select few”. The idea that any given person or persons have the right to take it onto themselves to change their own situation for the better despite the lives of those around them is ridiculous. What is sad is that nothing will change. We can trace this attitude from the most romanticized movies in our nation’s history all the way back to perhaps the greatest feat we have ever accomplished: our settling here on this land. Everything we have based success upon has come from our ancestors stealing away the land of people who were “American” long before we got here, but I am sure their actions made them heroes to someone. Where some might have seen an oasis of people living in harmony with the land and each other, we saw an opportunity to destroy, plan and rebuild like most good villains.
Basic Passage: The puritans in England had become a group who were not satisfied with the Church of England. Protestantism became more of a force even though they went against their government. Some wanted to leave England, but most wanted to purify the church.
Correlate: The puritans who remained in England felt they had responsibility to fix the problems in the Church of England, which was a part of the Catholic Church. All of the puritans had to follow the laws of their country which forbade the formation of independent churches. The independent churches modeled themselves after the church that John Calvin and John Knox began in Geneva. The Bible had been translated into English with the help of John Wycliffe, and Martin Luther. The Great Bible in 1537 and the Geneva Bible in 1560 preceded the King James version, which became the church's official Bible. The work of the surrounding churches in Europe contributed to the puritan's efforts in England not only because of the Bible, but the religious freedoms of surrounding countries persuaded England later to become more tolerant of the Puritans. The English had a rising middle class and a higher literacy rate had created disputes in the Catholic Church, and the government did more to spread these separatists who were leaving the country than it did to preserve catholicism.
Basic Passage: “The art of writing is the highest of those permitted to man”
Correlation: While discussing “writing as a form of art” I had a great realization about the evolution of our country and the world as a whole. The history of everything the human race knows to be true is based on what “writers” have stated. Vowell states, “History is written by the writers.” That statement alone had me thinking about the past/history and how the only thing we have to base our history on is writings from individuals. Could there be major events that the writers left out or did not think were too important? Sure. We like to think that everything up to this point of life is accurate, but there are plenty of things from early years of civilizations that are not documented. When the settlers invaded the Native Americans they began to start their writings for the history of the United States of America. I grew up feeling that when the Pilgrims came to America, that is the point when our country began, but I ahve learned that is false.Over the past few years I have been curious to what exactly the history of our land is, and what did all the Native Americans accomplish before we basically “wrote over” their history of existence. No one will never know what all went on before we settled this land, but it is important that we as the United States of America learn from this erasing of the Native American’s “word- art.” “With the past, I have nothing to do; nor with the future. I live now,” states Emerson. While the truth to the uncertainty of our history is intriguing, it is important to not get too caught up in the “search” for the past. We must all live in the moment. Here we are. Here and now.
From our discussion on America's attitude of "we can not fail." Americans have always had the attitude that we can not fail. The Pilgrims that landed in America on their religious conquest to find free land, had the attitude of we can not fail because nothing could be worse than what they came from, i.e. the Catholic Church. As America evolved and different cultures were combined and joined the attitude of America somewhat evolved too. It is still we can not fail but not because it cant be worse than what we had but because we strive for excellence. I know as an athlete and a coach I have always fought to the death of whatever task was at hand. From everything to getting one more repitition out of a set of push ups to winning a National Championship, American athletes have the attitude of we can not fail. As I prepare to take the athletes I coach to the biggest competition they will compete at this year, they constantly remind me that they are going to win a National Championship, that they will not fail. These athletes are ages range from 8 to 18 years old. The two 8 year olds were the first to tell me they would not fail, 8 yeas old! I proceeded to ask them why they believe that they thought they couldn't fail and both of their replys were because we want to be nationally known as the best. Its not just the American athletes I have noticed have that attitude. The majority of Americans want to succeed at their careers and have bigger homes, cars, and incomes. They too have the attitude of we can not fail. Their attitude is more centered around providing for his or her families though, but it is still the attitude of we can not fail. As Americans strive for success in their careers, sports, or whatever their interests are, they have the mind set of failure is not an option or that they can not fail.
Being from a younger generation, I had yet to experience or discover that phrase to be true. However, last semester I found that phrase proved to be true when I took a class called African American Studies which explored the history of African Americans-the parts that history books leave out. The so-called discovery of America bares similar resemblance to the capture and enslavement of Africans. When the Puritans arrived to America, they faced unfamiliar surroundings and people. Because these people were different from them, they immediately considered these inhabitants to be heathen-like and uncivilized. They felt that these people were in need of being saved from their heathen ways. The same mindset is present when Africans are torn from their native land by white men. They said that the Africans were heathens that needed to be civilized. The white man felt that they would be doing the Africans a favor by pushing their religion on them. Just as the Puritans had done with the Native Americans, history had been repeated by attempting to fix what was never broken. Who gave the Puritans the right to tell a group of people that their way of life is not right? What made their way of life right? Did being devout Christians and following the Bible justify their actions? Sadly, so-called Americans got away with it for some time; had there been a stop to such heinous actions, hundreds of years later they wouldn’t have been able to psychologically break down a strong nation of men. They would not have been allowed to treat humans as property or livestock. Although it took several hundred years for change, change did finally come. People took a stand on what was right, and that’s one part of history that does not bear repeating.
Christina McCarty
Extreme Patriotism?
Basic Passage: The Nazi’s slogan during their reign of terror during the Holocaust was, “My country, right or wrong.” Even through mass murder, many Nazi soldiers stuck by their dedicated leader, Adolf Hitler.
Correlate: Throughout the course of both American and world history, there have been acts of extreme patriotism that would make real patriots cringe. My basic passage reveals the Nazi slogan during Hitler’s occupation of German through the 1940’s: “My country, right or wrong.” Unfortunately, as the rest of the world knew, they were wrong. The mass murdering of a third of the Jewish population in Europe: what could be right about that? German soldiers obeying orders to kill innocent victims. One has to question the soldiers’ morals. Deep inside, I’m sure they knew it was wrong. But they were blinded by fear and the power over them, persuading them to do what Hitler believed was a massive excavation of an unwanted group of people.
However, this was definitely not the first instance of violent patriotism. In fact, our country wouldn’t be what it is today without acts of forceful seizure and violent slaughter. Oddly enough, stealing the land from Native Americans when the Europeans arrived is what our country is founded on. Not that this behavior should be advocated, but it seems as if we owe our very existence as a “patriotic nation” to the violent explorers who took the land, murdered the natives, and claimed it for their own. Another instance of extreme patriotism is the McCarthy “Red Scare” era. Fearing for our country’s sacred democratic system, people all over the United States eagerly tried to turn over suspected Communists to the government. This patriotism parallels the Nazi patriotism in that it was performed more out of fear and ignorance rather than for the “good of the nation” (even though some probably believed that as well). In conclusion, extreme patriotism has existed since the beginning of our country and around the world. Whether out of fear, ignorance, or true dedication, it’s an aspect of life people will constantly battle over and over again.
Title: Patriotic Obedience
Basic Passage: “Ideals of democracy”
Correlation: The other day in class we were discussing the idea of patriotism, loyalty, iconoclast and jingoism. The point was to consider the dichotomy of being committed to one’s country without question, no matter what. This, as opposed to being somewhat skeptical of authority and the ideas those authorities try to impress on us. The question asked was, “is one more patriotic than the other.” On one hand, you might think it would be patriotic to do, act, behave (pick a word) based on what the government mandates- sort of like the military follows orders. Or once a law is passed, that’s it- a law is a law and we obey... On the other hand, maybe it’s more patriotic to examine the rules and regs that control our society. By doing so, ideas that are clearly flawed, or at least controversial, should be revised (legalizing pot, abortion issues and so forth). I guess both sides are acceptable in the realm of patriotism, but then you have the extremists on either end of the spectrum. With a “head down, ask no questions- just do your job” attitude, a situation such as the holocaust is obviously possible since it happened that way. In our reading of the Puritans, though not patriotic, I suppose they had loyalty to God, which justified their treatment of the Indians much like the Nazi’s had higher orders justifying their treatment of Jews. Strangely enough, the Puritans also questioned the English Church and rejected the church’s religious ideals for their own interpretation of the bible. So it’s like they played both sides of this question. Anyway, back to the other extreme of patriotism- When an extremist disagrees with a policy or rule of society, they might want to bring attention to that controversy by causing destruction. There are cases of bombing abortion clinics in protest of the Pro-Choice movement, and the bombing of the Capitol building in protest of the Vietnam War. None of these extremes can be called patriotic because they don’t better society as a whole, but only because of their method of trying to raise awareness to their cause.
Title: Analyzing the Image
Basic Passage: All books of some sort have different colors and different images on them. They all have their own unique thing about them that sets them all apart. This is what draws attention to a book because most of the time whatever is on the front cover is what is being introduced in the book. So if a book does not have a good enough information on the front cover the reader maybe will not be as enthused about that book most of the time.
Correlation: The front cover of the book that we are reading in class Sarah Vowell's The Wordy Shipmates really draws to my attention. The way the colors are in the background and the use of natural light makes it even more interesting. The toy figures are really amusing to. Why did they not just use real people to have a more graphical look on there face whenever they arrive at their new world. I also really like the ship in the back it really stands out to show how they have arrived at their new land, which was by ship. The book that one of the little toy puritans is holding must mean that they are making a stand at their newfoundland to say this is our land, and no one else can have it. On the front cover it looks like the little toy puritans are standing on sand, which means that the puritans probably landed on a beach when they discovered America. Also, the little toy puritan women is holding a baby which means that baby made the trip, which would be very amazing because times were very hard.
Title: Death Defines your Life
Basic Passage: Many people go about doing so much each day of their lives, but never get the proper recognition. It seems like nobody realized the good that’s been done until that person is gone are dead.
Correlate: As we discussed in class many of our famous figures in history are often over looked while they are making their journey towards history, but when their going they often receive the accolades and support they should receive while they where on their way. This often makes me wonder do we as people just don’t realize the things many do or we are just reluctant to give credit where credit is do. It seems if you want some support for anything you are trying to change you better wait until you are dead before their we’ll be any effort. This makes me wonder would there ever been a Martin Luther Kings Day if he never was assassinated. Then I realize that it’s not that we just being ignorant or don’t really care, but that death really defines what you contributed to life while you where on God’s green Earth. It takes death for someone to realize how much you meant to them or how much you need them. We should stop waiting to someone is gone to celebrate their life, but celebrate their life every time you see them. Like many of my ancestor say, “give them their flowers while they have the chance to smell them.” I feel that we are caught up with our so called “busy life” to actually enjoy life. I feel that we take time spent on Earth for granite and think we'll just be here forever, but you my not know when the last time you’re here. We need to learn to just appreciate life.
Shareca Hawthorne
Are you a real Christian?
Basic passage:Some people consider themselves as being Christians. They go about their daily routines and can sometimes forget what they are trying to convey.
Correlation: As we previously discussed in class there is a big difference between the Christian culture and what a real Christian is. There is no such thing as a real Christian person not cursing or doing anything that they are not suppose to do because it’s Sunday. The Christian culture is what many people live by today. People today thinks that if they go to church every Sunday and cry to the pastor and God about things that they have done Monday through Saturday or even before they have entered the church building that wasn’t “Christian like” they are being real Christians. Being a Christian means living the word no matter what situation you are in. People have drifted away from the right way to be a Christian to the way that they think being a Christian means. I go to church on Sundays not every Sunday but most and I don’t call myself a real Christian because I don’t live by all the words of God. Being a real Christian means doing whatever God has told you to do and to follow his word and only his and no one shall be above him. Some people don’t understand the concept of living by God’s word and calling themselves real Christians. People who call themselves real Christians will be saints in church and put on shows like they didn’t just curse the bill collectors out before entering the church or like they didn’t just tell their kids to “shut the hell up before they whoop the shit out of them while standing outside waiting to enter the church. I saw this older lady in the grocery store and she was with her grandkids and one of them were picking up things that they shouldn’t have been picking up and the older lady said these exact words “ I am a real Christian woman but sometimes ya’ll bad asses provoke me to do things God wouldn’t like for me to do, if ya’ll don’t keep ya damn hands off shit God is going to send me a vision to whoop ya’ll lil asses .But she said she was a real Christian woman!!! People should look back at the times when people took Christianity and religion seriously and rethink the whole “we real Christian folks” to what it actually means.
Title: Loyalty to America vs. Questioning Authority
Basic Passage: Our country has been said to be the greatest country on earth. But why are there so many different views on how things should be done in America? Shouldn’t everyone be entitled to their own opinion?
Correlation: Many people have their own opinion about loyalty to America. For example during the elections, I recall Joe the plumber praising John McCain for fighting for our country and questioning Barrack Obama saying he wasn’t loyal enough to run our country. As citizens we want to believe in our country and defend it. The Pledge of Allegiance is cited every morning at schools across America and the National Anthem is sung at every major event. Americans show their love for their country on a daily basis unintentionally. America is known as the “land of the free” and “land of opportunity.” It is most people’s dream country until certain laws are passed and certain officials take office. Things suddenly change and if it is not what the people want, they protest and lead riots. Recently in national elections a law was passed to ban gay marriage, also known as Proposition 8. All is well and good until one is personally affected by an action by the government then people start to question authority. Questioning authority does not mean that you are not loyal to your country, it is a patriotic duty. It is only natural to want to stand up for something you strongly believe in. This is how you become a leader. If Rosa Parks wouldn’t have gave up her seat on the bus, or if Abraham Lincoln would have been too afraid of what other might have thought when he ended slavery, then we would not be where we are today with a growing and diverse society. To question authority is to simply show expression, which each American is entitled to.
Alicia Vance
Can Christianity be contradicting?
Basic Passage: “Cotton says, ‘If God be the gardener, who shall pluck up what he sets down?’”–The Wordy Shipmates, page 3. “Their single-minded obsession with one book, the Bible, made words the center of their lives—not land, not money, not power, not fun.” –The Wordy Shipmates, page 13.
Correlation: The Pilgrims believed stealing from and killing the Native Americans was justified because it had already been written in the Bible. They saw themselves as the new Israelites to travel to a new place and establish it. Even though they’re following God, that meant doing things like stealing and murdering. Is this really how God intended it to happen? Did the Pilgrims see a vision from God of them killing and stealing from Indians? Vowell justifies this by saying they needed to survive. Were they ignoring any instinct telling them that was wrong? How are we to judge whether the Pilgrims were right or wrong? One will never know what they’d do unless they’re put in that situation. It could’ve also been the fact that the Pilgrims were strong than the Native Americans, and maybe it was better for their community to do this.
Page thirteen claims the Pilgrims were obsessed with reading the Bible and not land, money, power, or fun. If this is true, why were they killing and stealing from others to gain power/control? This statement is contradicting to the Bible. How are we supposed to believe their obsession was the Bible when they’re murdering. “Thou shall not kill” is a commandment the Pilgrims ignored while they were reading the Bible. They may have used the Bible as a guide, but I find it hard to believe the Bible guided them to murder and steal. Throughout history we’ve learned about countries gaining territory by taking over another country. Obviously, the stronger country wins. Why wouldn’t the Pilgrims admit they conquered the Native Americans to expand and survive instead of trying to justify their actions with a story in the Bible? That would be more believable and acceptable.
Harrison Bullock
A. Too much Good can be Bad.
B. In class we talked about opposing sides of loyalty to ones country, with patriotism, in our case America. Or on the other hand, the need to question authority.
C. I think we could all agree that there can be too much good in a lot of cases. When a person does things to the extreme they become almost obsessive, which can be unhealthy for that person and others around him or her. For an example, exercise is recommended by doctors to maintain a healthy lifestyle and to maintain a healthy body. If you exercise too much, you can cause injuries to you body such as muscle and bone injuries.
This fact still holds true for the love of one’s country. If you join the military, you show patriotism and loyalty. If you have the mind set of Germans in the WWII era, “my country, right of wrong”, you’ll do whatever your country tells you to, regardless of the legality of the action. As humans and Americans, we have the moral duty to question authority when what they are doing is wrong, such as when innocent lives are taken. Also, not only were the German leaders wrong for the murder of the Jews, but the people who were “Jingoist” ,people who were extreme patriots, were also wrong. On the other hand, as Americans, we have confidence in our elected officials and may question their actions, but questioning an individual too much can be classified as “iconoclasters”
“My country right or wrong, my country” what your country does right of wrong is your country. What they do reflect apon you as a citizen there, you must do what you can to make sure their actions are moral.
Title: The High Ideals in America
Basic Passage: “America is a shining city upon a hill whose beacon light guides freedom-loving people everywhere." Ronald Reagan
Corralation: The high ideals of America started at its young age. John Winthrop said, “… we must consider that we shall be as a city upon a hill, (and that) the eyes of all people are upon us…” The city upon a hill phrase is not just biblical, but also shows that the founders and the new aged leaders think America is looked upon by every other country. Although when the pilgrims came in they did take the land and the food from the Native Americans. Which doesn’t set a good example. Since the beginning, the high expectations of our leaders, such as presidents, has lead the American people, to believe in their promises. Unfortunately, many of these politicians do not follow through with these promises. If other countries were able to see the actuality of our politics and president’s speeches, I wonder what they would think? Or do other countries really know the truth and we just ignore this and keep thinking America is on top of a hill? Through our presidents’ actions such as scandals and affairs, how high are American ideals? Being human there are mistakes made but being a leader of a high ideal country there are no excuses. The leaders of our country have been looked up to by all generations. They are supposed to be setting good examples for these generations to follow, but are letting our country down by allowing our high ideals to fall. As a country we still strive to be that city upon a hill, and with our new leader Barack Obama America should reach its goal.
Eric Dobbs
Title: Priority
Basic Passage: The Henry David Thoreau passage about the importance of the art of writing.
Correlation: In class today, we read a quote that was located on page 12 of Wordy Shipmates. The quote was by Henry David Thoreau, and it declared the art of writing the most important thing in the world. The art of writing has been practiced for a long time. In the beginning it consisted of cave art and drawings that represented words and actions. Slowly, this early language transformed into a more sophisticated oral and written language. It wouldn't be long before it would begin to be practiced by many and perfected by few like early philosophers and scientists. To a logical person like me, I initially believed the importance of the art of writing was highly overrated (you can tell by my poor writing style). I believed it was more important to know the things I was studying, like physics, calculus, and other sciences. But what is the use of all of this knowledge if it cannot be put into an understandable medium? How could have any of the amazing sciences around the world be useful or explained without a respectable writing form? Writing has been the foundation for intelligence and knowledge throughout time. Writing interprets and teaches; it can also be about anything. Author Jack Dann once said, "For me, writing is exploration; and most of the time, I'm surprised where the journey takes me." The different arts of writing can be seen everywhere in today's society. It is used to advertise, it is used to inform, it is used to persuade, to present,to teach, and to do almost anything. The art of writing is easily one of the most important things in life.
Title: To Be Patriotic
Basic Passage: “Patriotism is defined as having love and or devotion to one’s country."
Correlation: So, what does it mean to show patriotism towards one’s country? Does it mean having an American flag hanging from your house? Does it means wearing a flag pin on your clothes? Or does it mean serving or joining the military or the army? Well technically, if you are a true patriot and you love your country, well then yes patriotism is the epitome of all these things. Sometimes being patriotic isn’t always about serving your country or hanging an American flag from your home; there are other ways of showing your patriotism. You can show your patriotism by joining organizations within your community or simply do volunteer work. Sometimes, people may go overboard with showing their patriotism (they’re called Jingoisms) but they just can’t help it. We are all Americans and proud of it. If someone has a problem with it, then something is wrong. I may not show my patriotic side but sometimes I really don’t think it’s necessary for me to do so. I don’t have to do or wear something to define myself. I know who I am and that is being an American citizen.
After the 9/11attacks, America was changed forever. The nation came together and that was something that could not be taken away from us. Innocent lives were lost and there was nothing that could have been done to prevent this tragic event from happening. I mean no one in their wildest dreams thought that something like this (9/11) would happen here. You hear about these attacks happening in other countries and you feel sorry for them, but when something like this hit close to home it makes you realize that no one is safe. We are the United States of America and will always stand united as one.
Penelope Humenansky
Bad to be outside of the Catholic church and the Protestant church?
Brief Passage:
“[…] and the churches of God revert to their anciente puritie, and recover their primitive order, libertie, and bewtie.” – From Of Plimoth Plantation By William Bradford
The Catholic Church is seen as the almighty. It is the top of the line church. Going against the church in any way is seen as treachery. It was against the law hundred of years ago to be on the outside of the church. William Bradford left England because his faith was not with the Catholic Church. He was a Christian. All throughout his and his followers long trip to the “New World” with a Bible in his hand the whole way, he began to settle with his own church. So, you would think that every person who followed Bradford would believe in his teachings right? No, Anne Hutchinson was an outcast. She would hold secret bible meetings for women and eventually men discussing how she viewed the sermons of John Cotton, a Protestant minister. She was looked down upon because she was different and stood out to what was the seen as the “norm.” She preferred to speak her mind about her beliefs in the sermons she read. She was seen as a threat because the “true” ministers did not know what kind of powers she may have had over her followers and their threats. After a while she thought that it would be best for her to declare her own theological understanding of sermons. Some of her understandings insulted the leaders of the colony. After her jury trial she was banished from the colony and was left on her own. Does this not sound like the Catholic Church? Anne Hutchinson had her own views and was sent away instead of leaving on her own? I think so
Words Transforming History
Basic Passage: There is a “…Big omission of the money side. History only talks about the 40 of them signing the Mayflower Compact” (Balford).
Correlate: Those that cared only about the money in the time of the Puritans didn’t write about any of the history that we study today. As has been proven with “the city on a hill,” words shape our history. We have an extensive history from Bradford, Winthrop, and the other Puritans that we have relied upon for centuries. The economic aspect often gets left out of textbooks, however, because little was written of it. Could this potentially be why we are in the economic and financial crunch we face today? Many argue that our economic problems are being caused by a worldwide recession; however, this is largely America’s fault. The primary cause of the recession, the subprime mortgage crisis, began in America. Could our lack of history from those that focused primarily on economics be a cause? Originally, we believed in the Triangular Trade in which we exported more than import and had a positive Gross National Product. We also backed gold for every dollar that was printed. Today we’re in economic troubles, and we just print money without backing it up; therefore, technically our money is worthless. The point of all this is the Pilgrims were iconic and left us many of our traditions and beliefs we still have today; however, we don’t have the same type of history in literature to follow with the economic aspect. Our economics have changed from what once made our country successful because of this lack of history; our principles and values, however, have remained intact and written in stone. America was once the land of hope where millions immigrated to find jobs; today jobs are fleeing America everyday so a few wealthy businessmen can make a better buck.
Devin Lochridge
Title: "Natural Selection"
Basic Passage: In class discussion on "Survival of the fittest"
"Survival of the fittest" is phrase which is shorthand for a concept relating to competition for survival, or predominance."Survival of the fittest" is the way most people explain Charles Darwin's theory of natural selection. The underlying premise is that species which are best "fitted" for survival by some standard will be the ones to survive. Some people even feel that because this is "natural," it is how things "should be". At it's worst, the concept is then applied to human survival to justify not helping or even actively hurting those who are "unfit" for survival.
Survival of the fittest is a lie, at least in the common conception that people have of it. There is no natural selection of survivors according to any pre-existing standard of being "fit" or the best specimens, or anything of the sort. You can say after the fact that those species or individuals which survive are the fittest, but then the theory becomes redundant. It becomes "survival of the survivors."
Darwin's theory simply points out that when certain traits cause individuals in a species to survive more often than others, those individuals get to reproduce more often and so pass on those traits. In fact, if weak and sickly individuals find a way to survive and reproduce more, and so supplant other gene-lines, then they become the "fittest" by the definition of natural selection.
Darwin's theory describes a process - one which determines how species change and adapt. It says nothing about the "moral rightness" of the process, or what man should do with the knowledge. Perhaps the confusion starts with his use of the word "selection." It implies a "selector," which in most people's minds would be something along the lines of a "god"," or if not a god, then man.
Title: The Separation of Church and State
Basic Passage: In class, we spoke about how the Anglican Catholic Church essentially worked as a governing body. Thus causing corruption and the eventual fleeing of the Puritans to the land we know today.
Correlation: As in the days of Bradford, the Catholic Church basically ruled over what social class you would be in as well as if you could even be “religious.” This caused great conflict because ultimately the people were doing nothing more than reading the bible, and could be charged with treason and put to death. The Puritans were a devout people who fled to the Americas for no reason other than to be able to worship their God free of the persecution. The Salem Witch Trials are a huge argument proving the need of the separation during the times of the Colonies. Many women were killed because of the mindset of the Puritans. When the writers of the Declaration sought about how our country was to be governed, it was an integral ideal that the nation was to be governed free of religion.
These issues have now taken a greater turn since the higher influx of immigrants to the United States, thus causing situations between religions. The religious Founding Father Thomas Jefferson once said, "It does me no injury for my neighbor to say there are twenty gods," who was a fierce believer of the Separation of Church and State. The Christian belief is that the Separation of Church and State was set that the Puritan Church was created so that what the Catholic Church did could never happen again, but not to erase religion. Thus, saying that the Christianity that the Puritans brought should still be an important part of our nation. Regardless your personal beliefs the separation is what has defined us as who we are. No one will ever know what our Founding Fathers intended to happen, so why do we argue over what we thought they meant?
Jennifer Gray
Title: A New World Order?
Basic Passage:
Discussion of the Antichrist and who he may be has come up a few times in class while discussing the Puritans and the Catholic church.
The term Antichrist refers to someone who will be recognized for fulfilling the Biblical prophecies about one who will oppose Christ.
Beginning in the days of early America, people have named who the Antichrist is or will be. In the days of the Puritans, the pope of the Catholic church began being named the Antichrist. Since then, it has become almost an obsession of naming who the Antichrist is suspected of being. The prophet Daniel wrote that the Antichrist “does not regard the desire of women.” This could be why almost every pope has been named the Antichrist.
It is said that the Antichrist will have great charisma and speaking ability, “a mouth speaking great things.” He will save the world from its desperate economic, military and political problems with a brilliant 7 year plan for world peace, economic stability, and religious freedom. Because of the huge crowds that Barack Obama attracts, he too has now been predicted as being the Antichrist. He has also been referred to as “Messiah-like.” People sit in awe when the now, President Obama gives a speech. They want to believe every word that is uttered from his mouth. They sit listening, hoping and believing that this man has all the answers that America needs.
The Puritans being religious people often brought up the Antichrist in their writings. Today the term Antichrist is still used a lot. President Obama may be viewed as the Antichrist for the time being but who knows who will be next. Everyone has their own views or interpretations of the Bible and who the Antichrist will be.
Ernest Dixon
Title: A Radical Belief
Passage: Today in class we talked about the puritan’s mindset and beliefs. The discussion made questioned whether the puritans were to extreme in their faith and how they would be look upon in today society.
Correlation: The General perception that I have is that most people want to believe that puritans were honest, hard working, courageous, and people of strong faith. Why wouldn’t you? They are the ones that some say laid foundation for our country and brought religion to America. Many people, especially those of strong religious faith, have a strong sense of pride when it comes to the puritans. I m not saying that ALL of the previously mention attributes are false. I m saying while the puritans DID posses some admirable characteristics; some of their beliefs could be consider self righteous and radical. The puritans believed that they were God’s ONLY chosen people. They believed that they had permission from their God to Kill the men, women, and children in-order to claim their “promised land”. This type of mindset or ideology practically fits the very definition of radical. The belief that because one’s faith or religion condones bad or in some circumstances unforgiveable behavior is ridiculously radical, and still can be seen in today’s world. A great example of this would be the Israel and Palestine Conflict. Here you have two countries (because of their strong religious faith) fighting over a piece of land which both claim belongs to them. Look at the radical religious group called Hamas. Because of their religious convictions they believe they are entitled to the West Bank and Gaza Strip (Israel controlled territories). Hamas routinely conducts suicide bombings killing hundreds of Israel men, women, and children, in an effort to gain control of their “promised land.” Despite committing these horrific attacks of violence, members of Hamas believe they are justified and exempt from persecution; because they belief they are acting under the will of their God and in the name of their religion. There are many correlations between today’s radical groups and the beliefs of the puritans. If the puritan were carrying out their “mission” today would they be labeled a radical or extremist group?
Courtney Wesolowski
Title: “God’s Plantation”
Basic Passage: 2 Samuel 7:10 “And I will provide a place for my people Israel and will plant them so that they can have a home of their own and no longer be disturbed. Wicked people will not oppress them anymore, as they did at the beginning” NIV
Correlation: In class we discussed the paragraph in Sarah Vowell’s book about 2 Samuel 7:10. She says that John Cotton, a Puritan minister from England, is telling these soon-to-be Americans that they are God’s chosen people. Well I see this a little differently then Cotton. Yes the Bible does state that God has given then this new land and wants them to flourish on this land but does flourishing have to consist of taking from others? Not necessarily. 2 Samuel 7:10 states “… no longer be disturbed. Wicked people will not oppress them anymore, as they did at the beginning.” Isn’t this being a little hypocritical to the fact that they believe in the verse so strongly of not being disturbed or oppressed by wicked people yet they will disturb natives to this new land and not think twice about what they are doing. In The Wordy Shipmates, Sarah Vowell says that it’s like “God has printed eviction notices for them to tack up on the homes of the nothing special.” Are the “nothing special” people the natives? Who knows? The way this verse was perceived during the Puritan time, I think is completely different then the way I perceive it in today’s time. You can’t just come in and take something that isn’t yours for the taking.
Title: Judging a Book by Its Cover
Passage: A book is marketed by its cover. In most cases it can draw a reader in or turn a reader away just as a movie trailer can make you want to see a movie. The cover of Vowell’s book say’s a lot about her writing style and tone of this book.
Correlation: If you’re judging this book by its cover you can tell Vowell is an iconoclast. The toy images are the first thing I see when I look at this book. They’re plastic. It conveys to me as if the author is not taking the puritans seriously. I notice that the man with the bible in his hands has a stern look on his face. It makes me believe that Vowell wants the reader to see that the puritans we’re extremely serious about their new world, even if she doesn’t take them so seriously. I also see he has a bible in his hand and finger up which is very powerful. That shows that the puritans came over for one reason only, to spread and reform their church. I also notice that the colors fade from a bright to dark color which could convey to the reader that they came from a safe house of land to a new land they did not know at all. With the colors of the cover mostly being light colored it also makes me think that this book is somewhat light hearted. I see as well that the image shows the figures not very far away from the boat. It shows that the puritans came and as soon as they got off the boat they meant business. What that figures are standing in looks like very fine grain sand. That may be suggesting that the land they landed on was pure and free of the catholicism they left behind.
Laura Butler
"The only thing more dangerous than an idea is a belief.”
Wow. In the very first line of Sarah Vowell’s book, I am immediately drawn in. “And by dangerous, I don’t mean thought-provoking. I mean: people might get killed.”
The rest of the first few pages continues with Vowell vaguely stating situations throughout history where one culture felt the need to impose its beliefs upon another. Why do people feel the need to “save” the rest of the world? Who are we to interefere with the lives of other human beings? Don’t get me wrong, I’m a practicing Catholic, but I firmly believe in a lassiez-faire method of religion... “Leave them alone”. I don’t support missionary work because really, do you want someone forcing their beliefs on you?
"Those who cannot remember the past, are condemned to repeat it” (George Santanya). As if the Spanish Inquisition, the Crusades, and slavery weren’t horrendous enough, these events have been repeated again and again, except with different people and in different countries. Because God told them to. Take the case of the settlers wiping out thousands of Native Americans, which happened because the Puritans believed they had been “picked by God”. And everyone is familiar with the Nazis and their attempt to erradicate all of the Jews and “unclean” people from Europe. Perhaps the only thing that could make this story more atrocious is the fact “that everything Hitler did in Germany was legal." (Martin Luther Kind Jr.) We cannot continue to make mistakes, to be so arrogant as to think that our belief or way of life is the “right” way. Just as each person’s genetic make-up gives us features that differ, so do the thoughts in our heads make us different. I enjoy living in a world that’s so diverse. So just because you don’t agree with someone and their beliefs, don’t try to change them.
Lauren Harris
Title: The Right to Write
Basic Passage: “The art of writing is the highest of those permitted to man.” Also, “History is written by the writers.”
Correlation: Literature perhaps started with man discovering his ability to create. It has also taken on the history of the world, helping preserve for man the different schools of thought. Literature can be defined as man’s way of communicating with society, breaking barriers that usually divide those of color, time, gender, or status. It is something that stands the test of time and can entertain, inspire, and educate for eternity. Books have the power to shake the very foundations of society. They lead to shift of thought and way of living, inspiring whole nations to rebel and change. When we decipher a piece of literature, we take part in the creative process. Perspective relies on the senses and the imagination; perspective and reflection allow us to form opinions.
We write to express who we are and what we value, to mark our place in the world, to be witnessed by others, to build community, to be remembered. Writers are the weavers, the storytellers, the vessels of memory. Life is fragile so many feel the urgency to document to help shape this unfolding new world. There is an obligation to record our personal values and family stories. In doing so, we strengthen civilization. This is a powerful tool to unleash voices, power, and purpose. The public and younger generations should create the habit of reading and develop liking for literature and history.
Literature assists the searcher of truth in a manner of exposing the rest of the world to the intricate torments and triumphs of the extraordinary minds; a reader, it can be said, becomes wholly part of the writer with whom they identify, and the relationship deepens not only their understanding of the world but also of whom he or she desires to be.
Title: God's new chosen people.
Basic Passage: God's new chosen people.
Correlate: The book Wordy Shipmates we are reading in class has really brought to my attention a whole new aspect of the founding of America. Mr. Alford said in class that in elementary school they give us the sweet version of the Pilgrims coming to America, and college we learn the truth. I have to agree with him. I had no idea things were as violent as they were. I thought the Indians and Pilgrims got along just fine. It was a nice union between two different types of people. Well, I was wrong. I would have rather never learned the truth about it. I don't mind thinking that everything was so peaceful and loving, but I guess it is time for me to grow up, and learn the truth about my country.
These people who call themselves Christians go in someone else’s land, and start taking it over. Cotton who is a leader in this group feels that this is what God is telling him to do. It does not seem right, but who knows God might have told him to do this. Cotton uses the word of God to back up what he is doing. The word of God is powerful, and full of inspiring stories. I know in my life I try my best to live by the Bible. Maybe that is just what he was doing, but maybe he was taking it a little to the extreme, but who am I to judge. I have no idea what was going on in his mind. One day when I get to heaven I might get to learn the complete truth.
A.J. Paschall
Title: Religious Weapon
Passage: Over the ages and since the beginning of time people have used religion to back up their motives and actions.
Correlation: Time and time again we find through not just American history but the history of the world that many wars and conflicts have been fueled or based by the peoples religion. Every country in Europe claimed they were not just exploring for land and riches but to help spread their religious beliefs, which in most cases was God. Starting with the Spaniards down in Mexico and coming up all the way to Maine with the pilgrims, the New World was slowly and forcibly changed by these new people and their beliefs. What I find myself asking is how much of historical events that have occurred actually were being carried out because the people actually were following the word of God. When the Pilgrims would kill the Indians and take their land, they found some scripture in the Bible and took it out of context to try and justify what they were doing. When God said that we are his chosen people, I very seriously doubt that meant that it is okay for us to kill others in order to take their land. Is one of the 10 Commandments in the Bible “Thou shall not kill”? The pilgrims very easily left this part of the Bible out. Why? Perhaps because that would make them killing all the Indians for land seem like a bad thing. During the Salem Witch Trails the people were saying that the supposed witches were against God and sinners. Once again I find myself doubting that God would applaud the type of actions that were taking place. It is my personal opinion that throughout the course of history that people have been using God and the Bible in false pretenses or out of text to try and make their horrible actions seem less evil.
Hannah Mims
Title: Taking God out of History
Basic Passage: Should the American people today have the right to change the ideas and ways America was started on.
Correlation: Today in our country there are many people and groups of people that are attempting to remove anything that has God's name in it out of whatever this item is. Our founding fathers such as George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, etc signed the Constitution under God's name after completing the first official document for America. Everyone at this point all agreed with believing in God and knew that without his words and help, they could not has achieved all of their goals when it came down to establishing a successful government. From almost every single document known as far back as the Magna Carta, there are statements within saying things like, "In God we trust". You can obviously tell that God had a major part in all of these people’s lives and it was crucial part of helping the people succeed. Today people are going as far as wanting to take God's name out of all currency, school, within the government, you name it and someone is probably trying to get rid of it. Is this really the right thing to do? I think it is disrespectful and completely ignores all of the hard work the founding fathers did to form all of parts to our country. I think that it is fair and right to respect all the other religions that blend in with America, but everyone else who doesn't believe in Christianity should still respect the dace that this is why we get to live in a free country. Also if the pilgrims wouldn't have come over to America for religious freedom, we might not have the privileges and opportunities we all have today. So instead of focusing on the small issues like taking God out of our original documents, maybe everyone should focus more on the economic issues and making our country and more successful place as a whole.
Stuart Lang
Passage: Jingoism- "extreme chauvinism or nationalism marked especially by a belligerent foreign policy ".
Correlate: The above definition of jingoism comes from the Webster’s dictionary. Unlike most dictionary definitions, this one leaves a lot of room for interpretation and discussion. This lack of a detailed explanation could leave people with a misguided view of the hypocrisy that is jingoism.
Often times Americans relate jingoism to Nazi Germany or other famous extremist governments in the world’s history. However, jingoism can be found right here in America just as easy. In a country full of people who think the rest of the world is inferior and should be more like us, we must sit back and analyze this narcissism.
America’s entry into Iraq, although greatly needed and beneficial to the oppressed people of Iraq (or so we as “westerners” would like to think), has proven our arrogance loud and clear. We without a doubt had a jingoistic frame of mind thinking that we could go to Iraq and conquer it so easily. This country goes back 4,000 years. It was formerly known as Mesopotamia and Persia, which we have all heard of in our history classes. This historically rich country has never had an organized government and has never been anywhere near democratic and we assumed we could use our brute strength to bully them into our way of government.
Our frame of mind as Americans is perhaps a bit clouded. Most Americans seem to have the perception that our services are needed throughout the world. That we must go and protect or liberate people who we feel are being mistreated. The fact of the matter is, some people who lived under Saddam Hussein and the dictators before him might have felt like their “liberation” was unnecessary. That was their culture and their way of life, so who are we to say that it is incorrect. There are plenty of problems in this country that need addressing before we start searching for others to solve.
Stacy Moralis
Title: The Evolution of Protestantism
Basic Passage: Where did Protestantism come from and how is it different than other religions?
Correlation: In class today, we questioned the evolution of Protestantism. Protestantism came about in the sixteenth century Reformation. It is one of the three divisions of Christianity. There is Roman Catholicism, Orthodoxy, and Protestantism. “Protestant denominations differ in the degree to which they reject Catholic belief and practice. Some churches, such as Anglicans and Lutherans, tend to resemble Catholicism in their formal liturgy, while others, like Baptists and Presbyterians, retain very little of the liturgy and tradition associated with the Catholic church”( The Protestants rejected the authority of the Pope and encouraged the authority of the Bible and the importance of their faith.
I am Greek Orthodox, and our beliefs are different than Protestants. We have bishops and priests. These men act in the person of Christ. There is no priesthood in the Protestant church. Every Sunday we receive Communion that consists of the Body and Blood of Christ. In every liturgy, there is a prayer to a saint and the Virgin Mary. The Protestants do not believe in praying to any saints. When the priest comes out of the alter in an Orthodox church, the congregation rises because he is representing a symbol of Christ. We sing many hymns that are prayers.
I don’t see the big deal in there being different religions. Everyone has their different beliefs, and that is how it will always be. I don’t think we should judge people just because they are a different religion that us. So what if they don’t believe in prayer. If they think that it is not affecting their lives because they aren’t praying every day, then leave it at that. It is their own life, and they should be able to do what they want without being judged.
Brett Williams
Title: The World is Yours….
Basic Passage: The American Myth of the Visionary Hero
Correlation: He doesn’t see what you or I see when he looks out the mirror. Where you and I see poverty, corruption and greed, he sees a land of opportunity. This figure is how American businesspersons are born and the ideals that construct him are how they are fed. “Be All you can be”, “Only you can make a difference” and even “We’ll leave the light on for you” are all slogans that project onto people the idea that “YOU” are different from everyone else. When in actually the person next to you, having seen the same commercials is exactly your equal. No, then you become “a select few”.
The idea that any given person or persons have the right to take it onto themselves to change their own situation for the better despite the lives of those around them is ridiculous. What is sad is that nothing will change. We can trace this attitude from the most romanticized movies in our nation’s history all the way back to perhaps the greatest feat we have ever accomplished: our settling here on this land. Everything we have based success upon has come from our ancestors stealing away the land of people who were “American” long before we got here, but I am sure their actions made them heroes to someone. Where some might have seen an oasis of people living in harmony with the land and each other, we saw an opportunity to destroy, plan and rebuild like most good villains.
Title: Being a Puritan in England
Basic Passage: The puritans in England had become a group who were not satisfied with the Church of England. Protestantism became more of a force even though they went against their government. Some wanted to leave England, but most wanted to purify the church.
Correlate: The puritans who remained in England felt they had responsibility to fix the problems in the Church of England, which was a part of the Catholic Church. All of the puritans had to follow the laws of their country which forbade the formation of independent churches. The independent churches modeled themselves after the church that John Calvin and John Knox began in Geneva. The Bible had been translated into English with the help of John Wycliffe, and Martin Luther. The Great Bible in 1537 and the Geneva Bible in 1560 preceded the King James version, which became the church's official Bible. The work of the surrounding churches in Europe contributed to the puritan's efforts in England not only because of the Bible, but the religious freedoms of surrounding countries persuaded England later to become more tolerant of the Puritans. The English had a rising middle class and a higher literacy rate had created disputes in the Catholic Church, and the government did more to spread these separatists who were leaving the country than it did to preserve catholicism.
Fuller Talbot
Past Art"
Basic Passage:
“The art of writing is the highest of those permitted to man”
While discussing “writing as a form of art” I had a great realization about the evolution of our country and the world as a whole. The history of everything the human race knows to be true is based on what “writers” have stated. Vowell states, “History is written by the writers.” That statement alone had me thinking about the past/history and how the only thing we have to base our history on is writings from individuals. Could there be major events that the writers left out or did not think were too important? Sure. We like to think that everything up to this point of life is accurate, but there are plenty of things from early years of civilizations that are not documented. When the settlers invaded the Native Americans they began to start their writings for the history of the United States of America. I grew up feeling that when the Pilgrims came to America, that is the point when our country began, but I ahve learned that is false.Over the past few years I have been curious to what exactly the history of our land is, and what did all the Native Americans accomplish before we basically “wrote over” their history of existence. No one will never know what all went on before we settled this land, but it is important that we as the United States of America learn from this erasing of the Native American’s “word- art.” “With the past, I have nothing to do; nor with the future. I live now,” states Emerson. While the truth to the uncertainty of our history is intriguing, it is important to not get too caught up in the “search” for the past. We must all live in the moment. Here we are. Here and now.
Kent Bailey
Title- Failure is Not an Option
From our discussion on America's attitude of "we can not fail." Americans have always had the attitude that we can not fail. The Pilgrims that landed in America on their religious conquest to find free land, had the attitude of we can not fail because nothing could be worse than what they came from, i.e. the Catholic Church. As America evolved and different cultures were combined and joined the attitude of America somewhat evolved too. It is still we can not fail but not because it cant be worse than what we had but because we strive for excellence. I know as an athlete and a coach I have always fought to the death of whatever task was at hand. From everything to getting one more repitition out of a set of push ups to winning a National Championship, American athletes have the attitude of we can not fail. As I prepare to take the athletes I coach to the biggest competition they will compete at this year, they constantly remind me that they are going to win a National Championship, that they will not fail. These athletes are ages range from 8 to 18 years old. The two 8 year olds were the first to tell me they would not fail, 8 yeas old! I proceeded to ask them why they believe that they thought they couldn't fail and both of their replys were because we want to be nationally known as the best. Its not just the American athletes I have noticed have that attitude. The majority of Americans want to succeed at their careers and have bigger homes, cars, and incomes. They too have the attitude of we can not fail. Their attitude is more centered around providing for his or her families though, but it is still the attitude of we can not fail. As Americans strive for success in their careers, sports, or whatever their interests are, they have the mind set of failure is not an option or that they can not fail.
Brittnye Lewis
History repeats itself.
Being from a younger generation, I had yet to experience or discover that phrase to be true. However, last semester I found that phrase proved to be true when I took a class called African American Studies which explored the history of African Americans-the parts that history books leave out.
The so-called discovery of America bares similar resemblance to the capture and enslavement of Africans. When the Puritans arrived to America, they faced unfamiliar surroundings and people. Because these people were different from them, they immediately considered these inhabitants to be heathen-like and uncivilized. They felt that these people were in need of being saved from their heathen ways.
The same mindset is present when Africans are torn from their native land by white men. They said that the Africans were heathens that needed to be civilized. The white man felt that they would be doing the Africans a favor by pushing their religion on them. Just as the Puritans had done with the Native Americans, history had been repeated by attempting to fix what was never broken.
Who gave the Puritans the right to tell a group of people that their way of life is not right? What made their way of life right? Did being devout Christians and following the Bible justify their actions? Sadly, so-called Americans got away with it for some time; had there been a stop to such heinous actions, hundreds of years later they wouldn’t have been able to psychologically break down a strong nation of men. They would not have been allowed to treat humans as property or livestock.
Although it took several hundred years for change, change did finally come. People took a stand on what was right, and that’s one part of history that does not bear repeating.
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